Commit 33b5e954 by John Jarvis

adding newrelic plugin for logwatching

parent f5357331
......@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ NEWRELIC_DEBIAN_KEY_ID: '548C16BF'
# Set this to newrelic logwatch
# agent template files to enable
# the logwatch agent
# OS packages
......@@ -30,3 +34,12 @@ newrelic_debian_pkgs:
- newrelic-sysmond
- ruby-bundler
- rubygems
newrelic_logwatch_repo_dir: /opt/newrelic_platform_plugins
newrelic_logwatch_dir: "{{ newrelic_logwatch_repo_dir }}/newrelic_logwatcher_agent"
newrelic_logwatch_version: "8edd6d214e462b27fdd07d41712eb7b4fff2f7d8"
- name: restart newrelic-logwatch-agent
service: name=newrelic-logwatch-agent state=restarted
......@@ -62,3 +62,12 @@
- name: ensure started and enabled
service: name=newrelic-sysmond state=restarted enabled=yes
# tags=deploy here so that if we are deploying
# an application update on a server the config
# for the plugin will be updated with the appropriate
# edp
- include: newrelic-logwatcher.yml tags=deploy
- ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
# This task file is for the newrelic logwatcher plugin
# which is an agent that watches logfiles on the system
# for string matches
- name: Install newrelic plugin related packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} install_recommends=yes state=present
with_items: newrelic_debian_plugin_pkgs
- name: check out the newrelic logwatcher plugin
git: >
dest={{ newrelic_logwatch_repo_dir }}
repo={{ newrelic_logwatch_repo }} version={{ newrelic_logwatch_version }}
- name: bundle install
shell: >
chdir={{ newrelic_logwatch_dir }}
bundle install
notify: restart newrelic-logwatch-agent
- name: create agent configuration
template: >
dest={{ newrelic_logwatch_dir }}/config/newrelic_plugin.yml
notify: restart newrelic-logwatch-agent
- template:
owner: root
src: etc/init/newrelic-logwatch-agent.conf.j2
dest: /etc/init/newrelic-logwatch-agent.conf
notify: restart newrelic-logwatch-agent
description "newrelic nginx agent"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
chdir {{ newrelic_logwatch_dir }}
exec ruby newrelic_logwatcher_agent.rb
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-nginx-503:
# Full path to the the log file
log_path: {{ nginx_log_dir|default('/edx/var/log/nginx') }}/error.log
# Returns the number of matches for this term. Use Linux Regex formatting.
term: "limiting requests"
# Provide any options to pass to grep when running.
# For example, to count non-matching lines, enter 'v'.
# Use the abbreviated format ('v' and not 'invert-match').
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-certs:
# Full path to the the log file
log_path: {{ COMMON_LOG_DIR|default('/edx/var/log') }}/certs/edx.log
# Returns the number of matches for this term. Use Linux Regex formatting.
term: " ERROR "
# Provide any options to pass to grep when running.
# For example, to count non-matching lines, enter 'v'.
# Use the abbreviated format ('v' and not 'invert-match').
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-cms:
# Full path to the the log file
log_path: {{ COMMON_LOG_DIR|default('/edx/var/log') }}/cms/edx.log
# Returns the number of matches for this term. Use Linux Regex formatting.
term: " ERROR "
# Provide any options to pass to grep when running.
# For example, to count non-matching lines, enter 'v'.
# Use the abbreviated format ('v' and not 'invert-match').
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-lms:
# Full path to the the log file
log_path: {{ COMMON_LOG_DIR|default('/edx/var/log') }}/lms/edx.log
# Returns the number of matches for this term. Use Linux Regex formatting.
term: " ERROR "
# Provide any options to pass to grep when running.
# For example, to count non-matching lines, enter 'v'.
# Use the abbreviated format ('v' and not 'invert-match').
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-xqueue:
# Full path to the the log file
log_path: {{ COMMON_LOG_DIR|default('/edx/var/log') }}/xqueue/edx.log
# Returns the number of matches for this term. Use Linux Regex formatting.
term: " ERROR "
# Provide any options to pass to grep when running.
# For example, to count non-matching lines, enter 'v'.
# Use the abbreviated format ('v' and not 'invert-match').
# This is a sample newrelic_plugin.yml file. Please move this file
# to the following location if it is not already there:
# ./config/newrelic_plugin.yml
# Where the current directory is the directory where your main program resides and is your current
# directory when you run the main program.
# Please make sure to update the license_key information with the license key for your New Relic
# account.
# Update with your New Relic account license key:
license_key: '{{ NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY }}'
# Set to '1' for verbose output, remove for normal output.
# All output goes to stdout/stderr.
# verbose: 1
# Agent Configuration:
{% for agent in NEWRELIC_LOGWATCH %}
{% include agent %}
{% endfor %}
......@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ EDXAPP_NEWRELIC_LMS_APPNAME: sandbox-${dns_name}-edxapp-lms
EDXAPP_NEWRELIC_CMS_APPNAME: sandbox-${dns_name}-edxapp-cms
XQUEUE_NEWRELIC_APPNAME: sandbox-${dns_name}-xqueue
FORUM_NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: sandbox-${dns_name}-forums
SANDBOX_USERNAME: $github_username
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