Commit 330df285 by Feanil Patel


Add the EDXAPP_CFG_DIR so that yaml templates get created in the correct location.
parent a28d35e4
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ extra_var_args+=" -e edxapp_app_dir=${WORKSPACE}"
extra_var_args+=" -e edxapp_code_dir=${WORKSPACE}/edx-platform"
extra_var_args+=" -e edxapp_user=jenkins"
extra_var_args+=" -e syncdb=$syncdb"
extra_var_args+=" -e EDXAPP_CFG_DIR=${WORKSPACE}"
# Generate the json configuration files
ansible-playbook -c local $extra_var_args --tags edxapp_cfg -i localhost, -s -U jenkins edxapp.yml
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