Commit 2d51414b by Fred Smith

edx_service updates

parent 1ea70e34
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
desired_capacity: "{{ asg_desired_capacity }}"
vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ service_vpc_zone_identifier_string.msg }}"
tags: "{{ listdict_asg_instance_tags.function_output }}"
load_balancers: "{{ created_elbs.results|map(attribute='')|list }}"
load_balancers: "{% if elb is defined %}{{ created_elbs.results|map(attribute='')|list }}{% else %}[]{% endif %}"
register: asg
when: auto_scaling_service
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
instance_profile_name: "{{ instance_profile_name }}"
volumes: "{{ service_config.volumes }}"
ebs_optimized: "{{ service_config.ebs_optimized }}"
with_sequence: count={{ (create_instances | int - potential_existing_instances.instances|length) | default(created_service_subnets.results | length) }}
with_sequence: count={% if not auto_scaling_service %}{{ (create_instances | int - potential_existing_instances.instances|length) | default(created_service_subnets.results | length) }}{% else %}0{% endif %}
when: not auto_scaling_service and (potential_existing_instances.instances|length < create_instances | int)
register: created_instances
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