Commit 2d02e665 by Kevin Falcone

DEVOPS-2222 use a dash name rather than a . name

We have SSL for * but not for *.* so
things like don't serve the right SSL cert.
parent a60a9b22
......@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ if [[ $edx_internal == "true" ]]; then
# user and set edx_internal to True so that
# xserver is installed
cat << EOF >> $extra_vars_file
EDXAPP_PREVIEW_LMS_BASE: preview.${deploy_host}
EDXAPP_PREVIEW_LMS_BASE: preview-${deploy_host}
EDXAPP_LMS_BASE: ${deploy_host}
EDXAPP_CMS_BASE: studio.${deploy_host}
EDXAPP_CMS_BASE: studio-${deploy_host}
EDXAPP_SITE_NAME: ${deploy_host}
CERTS_DOWNLOAD_URL: "http://${deploy_host}:18090"
CERTS_VERIFY_URL: "http://${deploy_host}:18090"
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