Commit 2aa694e7 by Jesse Zoldak

Merge pull request #1716 from edx/zoldak/pip-accel

[WIP] Use pip-accel for building jenkins workers
parents 341da195 5b2f1bc6
......@@ -32,3 +32,21 @@ jscover_version: "1.0.2"
# packer direct download URL
packer_url: ""
# Pip-accel itself and other workarounds that need to be installed with pip
# Install Shapely with pip as it does not install cleanly
# with pip-accel because it has a weird
- "Shapely==1.2.16"
# Install unittest2 which is needed by lettuce
# but also pip-accel has trouble with determining that.
# unittest2>=0.8.0 (from testtools>=0.9.34->python-subunit->lettuce==0.2.20)
- "unittest2>=0.8.0"
# There is a bug in pip 1.4.1 by which --exists-action is broken.
# This is fixed in pip 1.5.x, but alas pip-accel is not yet compatible with pip 1.5.x.
# Remove when we can upgrade to a version of pip-accel that supports pip 1.5.x.
- "git+"
# Install pip-accel itself (using pip)
- "pip-accel==0.21.1"
# pip-accel only makes the s3 functionality available if boto is installed
- "boto==2.34.0"
- name: Download packer
shell: "curl -L {{ packer_url }} -o /var/tmp/"
creates: /var/tmp/
- name: Unzip packer
unarchive: src=/var/tmp/ dest=/usr/local/bin copy=no
......@@ -30,12 +30,24 @@
sudo_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
- name: Install edx-platform requirements
- name: Pip installs that are needed for pip-accel to work for us
pip: >
name="{{ item }}"
virtualenv={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv
sudo_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
with_items: pip_accel_reqs
# Install the platform requirements using pip-accel.
# This will allow the binary distributions to be downloaded from S3
# rather than compiled each time.
- name: Install edx-platform requirements using pip-accel
pip: >
requirements={{ jenkins_home }}/shallow-clone/requirements/edx/{{ item }}
extra_args="--exists-action w"
virtualenv={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-venv
- pre.txt
- github.txt
......@@ -57,3 +57,13 @@
src=.npmrc.j2 dest={{ jenkins_home }}/.npmrc
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0664
# Set up configuration for pip-accel for caching python requirements
- name: Create directory for pip-accel config file
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel state=directory
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0777 recurse=yes
- name: Create pip-accel config file
src=pip-accel.conf.j2 dest={{ jenkins_home }}/.pip-accel/pip-accel.conf
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=0664
auto-install = no
data-directory = ~/.pip-accel
download-cache = ~/.pip/download-cache
s3-bucket = edx-platform.pip-accel-cache
s3-prefix = precise64
s3-readonly = no
``jenkins_worker.json`` is the `packer configuration template`_ that tells packer how to build the image.
- `template variable`_ pattern ``"foo": "{{env `BAR`}}"``
- What this does is take the value of the environment variable BAR which was set in the shell that kicks off the ``packer build jenkins_worker.json`` command (for example in a jenkins job) and pass it through to the user variable "foo".
- This the user variable "foo" will now be available globally within the template.
- If the environment variable is not set in the shell that kicks off the packer build command, the user variable value will be the empty string.
- Regarding the `ansible-playbook command`_ that is used to run the jenkins_worker role's -e (--extra-vars) option
- `playbook variable`_ pattern ``-e 'bar={{ user `foo` }}'``
- Packer has determined the value of the template user variable "foo" from the local environment variable (see above)
- Ansible will use this as the value for the playbook variable "bar" when running the play.
.. _packer configuration template:
.. _template variable:
.. _ansible-playbook command:
.. _playbook variable:
......@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
"secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
"ami_name": "jenkins_worker-{{isotime | clean_ami_name}}",
"instance_type": "m3.large",
"region": "us-east-1",
"source_ami": "{{user `ami`}}",
"instance_type": "m3.large",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"ami_name": "jenkins_worker-{{isotime | clean_ami_name}}"
"ami_description": "jenkins worker",
"iam_instance_profile": "jenkins-worker",
"security_group_id": "sg-75af5e18"
"provisioners": [{
"type": "shell",
......@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@
"pip install -q -r requirements.txt",
"echo '[jenkins_worker]' > inventory.ini",
"echo 'localhost' >> inventory.ini",
"ansible-playbook edx-east/jenkins_worker.yml -i inventory.ini -c local -e 'github_oauth_token={{user `github_oauth_token` }}' -vvvv"]
"ansible-playbook edx-east/jenkins_worker.yml -i inventory.ini -c local -e 'github_oauth_token={{ user `github_oauth_token` }}' -vvvv"]
}, {
"type": "shell",
"inline": ["cd {{user `playbook_remote_dir`}}",
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