Commit 1e7ae9de by Feanil Patel

Update apparmor configurations.

Allow for the app armor configuration files to be loaded from secure repo if
available and loaded from the base configuration otherwise.
parent 989fa18c
......@@ -24,13 +24,19 @@
line="session required"
- name: set sandbox limits
copy: src=sandbox.conf dest=/etc/security/limits.d/sandbox.conf
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/security/limits.d/sandbox.conf
- {{ secure_dir }}/sandbox.conf
- sandbox.conf
- name: ensure apparmor package
apt: pkg=apparmor-utils state=present
- name: load python-sandbox apparmor profile
copy: src=usr.bin.python-sandbox dest=/etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.python-sandbox
template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/apparmor.d/edx_apparmor_sandbox
- {{ secure_dir }}/files/edx_apparmor_sandbox.j2
- usr.bin.python-sandbox.j2
- name: enforce app-armor rules
command: aa-enforce {{ sandbox_venv_dir }}
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