Commit 1a1172ff by Kevin Falcone

Merge pull request #2895 from edx/max/mount-ebs

mount ebs role
parents 2fea6a16 ccc05bc5
# Expects a list of dicts with these keys
# - device: /dev/xvdk
# mount: /edx/var/mongo
# options: "defaults,noatime"
# fstype: ext4
# While mount, options and fstype are pretty standard in our app, the device names
# will be highly dependent on how you stand up your instances.
# Additionally - order is important if you have child directories. If you want to mount
# /edx/var/mongo and /edx/var/mongo/mongodb/journal, you must specify them in that order,
# otherwise this role will mount /edx/var/mongo over the top of /edx/var/mongo/mongodb/journal
# which is not what you wanted.
volumes: []
# edX Configuration
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# Tasks for role mount_dbs
# Overview:
# This role ensures that the correct EBS volumes are mounted to the right locations.
# If the volumes are already mounted to the correct place, this role does nothing.
# This task will be skipped if UNMOUNT_DISKS is false, causing the next task
# to error if the disk has the wrong fstype but is already mounted
- name: Unmount disk if fstype is wrong
name: "{{ (ansible_mounts | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first | default({'mount': None})).mount }}"
src: "{{ (ansible_mounts | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first | default({'device': None})).device }}"
fstype: "{{ (ansible_mounts | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first | default({'fstype': None})).fstype }}"
state: unmounted
when: "{{ UNMOUNT_DISKS and (ansible_mounts | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first | default({'fstype': None})).fstype != item.fstype }}"
with_items: volumes
# Noop & reports "ok" if fstype is correct
# Errors if fstype is wrong and disk is mounted (hence above task)
- name: Create filesystem
dev: "{{ item.device }}"
fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
# Necessary because AWS gives some ephemeral disks the wrong fstype by default
force: true
with_items: volumes
# This can fail if one volume is mounted on a child directory as another volume
# and it attempts to unmount the parent first. This is generally fixable by rerunning.
# Order is super dependent here, but we're iterating ansible_mounts (in order to identify
# all current mounts in the system) not volumes, which would be reversible.
# Possibly fixable by saving this list of unmounts off and comparing it to volumes, but this
# task rarely runs, since on server setup, the disks are unmounted, and in we won't
# be unmounting disks unless you set UNMOUNT_DISKS to true.
- name: Unmount disks mounted to the wrong place
name: "{{ item.mount }}"
src: "{{ item.device }}"
fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
state: unmounted
when: >
volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | list | length != 0 and
(volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first).mount != item.mount
with_items: ansible_mounts
# If there are disks we want to be unmounting, but we can't because UNMOUNT_DISKS is false
# that is an errorable condition, since it can easily allow us to double mount a disk.
- name: Check that we don't want to unmount disks when UNMOUNT_DISKS is false
fail: msg="Found disks mounted in the wrong place, but can't unmount them. This role will need to be re-run with -e 'UNMOUNT_DISKS=True' if you believe that is safe."
when: >
volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | list | length != 0 and
(volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first).mount != item.mount
with_items: ansible_mounts
- name: Mount disks
name: "{{ item.mount }}"
src: "{{ item.device }}"
state: mounted
fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
opts: "{{ item.options }}"
with_items: volumes
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