Commit 154a6a78 by John Jarvis

Merge pull request #1261 from edx/jarv/ubuntu-key-management

add and remove ubuntu public keys
parents c758cb14 74ceeef2
# A simple utility play to add a public key to the authorized key
# file for the ubuntu user.
# You must pass in the entire line that you are adding.
# Example: ansible-playbook add-ubuntu-key.yml -c local -i, \
# -e "public_key='ssh-rsa SOME_PUBLIC_KEY deployment-201407'" \
# -e owner=jarv -e keyfile=/home/jarv/.ssh/authorized_keys
- hosts: all
owner: ubuntu
keyfile: "/home/{{ owner }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- fail: msg="You must pass in a public_key"
when: public_key is not defined
- command: mktemp
register: mktemp
- name: Validate the public key before we add it to authorized_keys
copy: >
content="{{ public_key }}"
dest={{ mktemp.stdout }}
# This tests the public key and will not continue if it does not look valid
- command: ssh-keygen -l -f {{ mktemp.stdout }}
- file: >
path={{ mktemp.stdout }}
- lineinfile: >
dest={{ keyfile }}
line="{{ public_key }}"
- file: >
path={{ keyfile }}
owner={{ owner }}
# A simple utility play to remove a public key from the authorized key
# file for the ubuntu user
# You must pass in the entire line that you are adding
- hosts: all
owner: ubuntu
keyfile: "/home/{{ owner }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- fail: msg="You must pass in a public_key"
when: public_key is not defined
- command: mktemp
register: mktemp
# This command will fail if this returns zero lines which will prevent
# the last key from being removed
- shell: >
grep -Fv '{{ public_key }}' {{ keyfile }} > {{ mktemp.stdout }}
- shell: >
while read line; do ssh-keygen -lf /dev/stdin <<<$line; done <{{ mktemp.stdout }}
register: keycheck
- fail: msg="public key check failed!"
when: keycheck.stderr != ""
- command: cp {{ mktemp.stdout }} {{ keyfile }}
- file: >
path={{ keyfile }}
owner={{ owner }}
- file: >
path={{ mktemp.stdout }}
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