Commit 10cf5e1f by Gabe Mulley Committed by Gabe Mulley

fix building analyticstack

parent f62d8902
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
- name: new native libs installed
shell: "chown {{ hadoop_common_user }}:{{ hadoop_common_group }} {{ item }} && cp {{ item }} {{ HADOOP_COMMON_HOME }}/lib/native/{{ item }}"
chdir={{ hadoop_common_temporary_dir }}/hadoop-common-release-{{ HADOOP_COMMON_VERSION }}/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/target/native/target/usr/local/lib
chdir: "{{ hadoop_common_temporary_dir }}/hadoop-common-release-{{ HADOOP_COMMON_VERSION }}/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/target/native/target/usr/local/lib"
- libhadoop.a
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