set nocompatible" Turn on syntax highlightingsyntax on" Handle filetypes filetype on" Handle filetype-based plugins and indentation rulesfiletype plugin indent on" Highlight matching delimiters (brackets, braces, quotes, etc.)set showmatch" Show the following replacement characters on :set listset listchars=tab:→\ ,trail:·,nbsp:¤,precedes:«,extends:»,eol:↲" Never autocomplete filenames that match the followingset wildignore+=*.pyc,*.pyo" Silence error bellsset noerrorbells visualbell" Standard indentation rules:" - A tab character is 8 spaces wideset tabstop=8" - a block indents four spacesset shiftwidth=4" - Pressing the tab key indents by four spacesset softtabstop=4" - Always render indentation as spacesset expandtab