Commit c49c0843 by Chris Jerdonek

Added code comments re: the spec's whitespace requirements.

parent b00aaf4d
......@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ class Template(object):
'ctag': re.escape(self.ctag)
# The section contents include white space to comply with the spec's
# requirement that sections not alter surrounding whitespace.
section = r"%(otag)s[\#|^]([^\}]*)%(ctag)s(.+?)%(otag)s/\1%(ctag)s"
self.section_re = re.compile(section % tags, re.M|re.S)
......@@ -68,14 +68,15 @@ class TestPystache(unittest.TestCase):
context = { 'users': [ {'name': 'Chris'}, {'name': 'Tom'}, {'name': 'PJ'} ] }
ret = pystache.render(template, context)
self.assertEquals(ret, """<ul><li>Chris</li><li>Tom</li><li>PJ</li></ul>""")
def test_implicit_iterator(self):
template = """<ul>{{#users}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/users}}</ul>"""
context = { 'users': [ 'Chris', 'Tom','PJ' ] }
ret = pystache.render(template, context)
self.assertEquals(ret, """<ul><li>Chris</li><li>Tom</li><li>PJ</li></ul>""")
def test_spacing(self):
# The spec says that sections should not alter surrounding whitespace.
def test_surrounding_whitepace_not_altered(self):
template = "first{{#spacing}} second {{/spacing}}third"
ret = pystache.render(template, {"spacing": True})
self.assertEquals(ret, "first second third")
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