Commit a3141ab8 by Chris Jerdonek

Changed Parser.parse() to read from the matches dictionary earlier.

parent 854b84c9
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def _compile_template_re(delimiters):
(?P<change>=) \s* (?P<delims>.+?) \s* = |
(?P<raw>{) \s* (?P<raw_name>.+?) \s* } |
(?P<tag>[%(tag_types)s]?) \s* (?P<name>[\s\S]+?)
(?P<tag>[%(tag_types)s]?) \s* (?P<tag_key>[\s\S]+?)
\s* %(ctag)s
""" % {'tag_types': tag_types, 'otag': re.escape(delimiters[0]), 'ctag': re.escape(delimiters[1])}
......@@ -99,53 +99,53 @@ class Parser(object):
matches = match.groupdict()
index = self._handle_match(template, parse_tree, matches, start_index, match_index, end_index)
# Normalize the matches dictionary.
if matches['change'] is not None:
matches.update(tag='=', tag_key=matches['delims'])
elif matches['raw'] is not None:
matches.update(tag='&', tag_key=matches['raw_name'])
tag_type = matches['tag']
tag_key = matches['tag_key']
leading_whitespace = matches['whitespace']
# Standalone (non-interpolation) tags consume the entire line,
# both leading whitespace and trailing newline.
did_tag_begin_line = match_index == 0 or template[match_index - 1] in END_OF_LINE_CHARACTERS
did_tag_end_line = end_index == len(template) or template[end_index] in END_OF_LINE_CHARACTERS
is_tag_interpolating = tag_type in ['', '&']
if did_tag_begin_line and did_tag_end_line and not is_tag_interpolating:
if end_index < len(template):
end_index += template[end_index] == '\r' and 1 or 0
if end_index < len(template):
end_index += template[end_index] == '\n' and 1 or 0
elif leading_whitespace:
match_index += len(leading_whitespace)
leading_whitespace = ''
index = self._handle_match(template, parse_tree, tag_type, tag_key, leading_whitespace, start_index, match_index, end_index)
# Save the rest of the template.
return parse_tree
def _handle_match(self, template, parse_tree, matches, start_index, match_index, end_index):
engine = self.engine
# Normalize the matches dictionary.
if matches['change'] is not None:
matches.update(tag='=', name=matches['delims'])
elif matches['raw'] is not None:
matches.update(tag='&', name=matches['raw_name'])
tag_type = matches['tag']
# Standalone (non-interpolation) tags consume the entire line,
# both leading whitespace and trailing newline.
did_tag_begin_line = match_index == 0 or template[match_index - 1] in END_OF_LINE_CHARACTERS
did_tag_end_line = end_index == len(template) or template[end_index] in END_OF_LINE_CHARACTERS
is_tag_interpolating = tag_type in ['', '&']
if did_tag_begin_line and did_tag_end_line and not is_tag_interpolating:
if end_index < len(template):
end_index += template[end_index] == '\r' and 1 or 0
if end_index < len(template):
end_index += template[end_index] == '\n' and 1 or 0
elif matches['whitespace']:
match_index += len(matches['whitespace'])
matches['whitespace'] = ''
name = matches['name']
def _handle_match(self, template, parse_tree, tag_type, tag_key, leading_whitespace, start_index, match_index, end_index):
if tag_type == '!':
return end_index
if tag_type == '=':
delimiters = name.split()
delimiters = tag_key.split()
return end_index
engine = self.engine
if tag_type == '>':
func = engine._make_get_partial(name, matches['whitespace'])
func = engine._make_get_partial(tag_key, leading_whitespace)
elif tag_type in ['#', '^']:
......@@ -156,20 +156,21 @@ class Parser(object):
end_index = e.position
if tag_type == '#':
func = engine._make_get_section(name, bufr, tmpl, self._delimiters)
func = engine._make_get_section(tag_key, bufr, tmpl, self._delimiters)
func = engine._make_get_inverse(name, bufr)
func = engine._make_get_inverse(tag_key, bufr)
elif tag_type == '&':
func = engine._make_get_literal(name)
func = engine._make_get_literal(tag_key)
elif tag_type == '':
func = engine._make_get_escaped(name)
func = engine._make_get_escaped(tag_key)
elif tag_type == '/':
# TODO: check that tag key matches section start tag key.
# TODO: don't use exceptions for flow control.
raise EndOfSection(parse_tree, template[start_index:match_index], end_index)
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