Commit a0feb641 by Chris Jerdonek

Documented parse().

parent 2aaa7a28
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ History
* Added option of raising errors on missing tags/partials:
``Renderer(missing_tags='strict')`` (issue #110).
* Added a ``parse()`` function that yields a printable parse tree.
* Bugfix: exceptions raised from a property are no longer swallowed when
getting a key from a context stack (issue #110).
* Bugfix: lambda section values can now return non-ascii, non-unicode strings (issue #118).
......@@ -95,6 +95,12 @@ To customize template loading on a per-view basis, subclass ``TemplateSpec``.
See the docstrings of the Renderer_ class and TemplateSpec_ class for
more information.
Try parsing a template: ::
>>> from pystache import parse
>>> parse("Hey {{#you}}{{.}}!{{/you}}")
['Hey ', _SectionNode(key='you', index_begin=12, index_end=18, parsed=[_EscapeNode(key='.'), '!'])]
Python 3
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ TODO: add a docstring.
# We keep all initialization code in a separate module.
from pystache.init import render, Renderer, TemplateSpec
from pystache.init import parse, render, Renderer, TemplateSpec
__all__ = ['render', 'Renderer', 'TemplateSpec']
__all__ = ['parse', 'render', 'Renderer', 'TemplateSpec']
__version__ = '0.5.2-rc.1' # Also change in
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ This module contains the initialization logic called by
from pystache.parser import parse
from pystache.renderer import Renderer
from pystache.template_spec import TemplateSpec
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class InitTests(unittest.TestCase):
expected = set(['render', 'Renderer', 'TemplateSpec', 'GLOBALS_INITIAL'])
expected = set(['parse', 'render', 'Renderer', 'TemplateSpec', 'GLOBALS_INITIAL'])
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
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