Commit 9497c957 by Chris Jerdonek

6 more tests passing: handle call() returning None.

Now at--

    Ran 160 tests in 0.755s
    FAILED (errors=1, failures=18)
parent 444b0dc3
......@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ def call(val, view, template=None):
val = val(template)
val = val(view, template)
if val is None:
val = ''
return unicode(val)
def parse(template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
......@@ -34,7 +38,8 @@ def parse(template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
def renderParseTree(parsed, view, template):
n = len(parsed)
return ''.join(map(call, parsed, [view] * n, [template] * n))
parts = map(call, parsed, [view] * n, [template] * n)
return ''.join(parts)
def render(template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
parseTree = parse(template, view, delims)
......@@ -84,7 +89,8 @@ def escapedTag(name, delims):
def unescapedTag(name, delims):
def func(context):
template = call(val=context.get(name), view=context)
val = context.get(name)
template = call(val=val, view=context)
return unicode(render(template, context))
return func
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