Commit 883c9efc by Chris Jerdonek

Tweaked the RenderTests.test_section__list_referencing_outer_context() test.

parent 9bf4ed05
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class RenderTests(unittest.TestCase):
self._assert_render('unescaped: < escaped: &lt;', template, context, engine=engine, partials=partials)
def test_render__list_referencing_outer_context(self):
def test_section__list_referencing_outer_context(self):
Check that list items can access the parent context.
......@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ class RenderTests(unittest.TestCase):
context = {
"list": [{"name": "Al"}, {"name": "Bo"}],
"greeting": "Hi",
"list": [{"name": "Al"}, {"name": "Bob"}],
template = "{{#list}}{{name}}: {{greeting}}; {{/list}}"
template = "{{#list}}{{greeting}}, {{name}}; {{/list}}"
self._assert_render("Al: Hi; Bo: Hi; ", template, context)
self._assert_render("Hi, Al; Hi, Bob; ", template, context)
def test_render__tag_in_value(self):
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