Commit 7f6da416 by Pieter van de Bruggen

Handling partial indentation.

parent be3d02d9
......@@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ def call(view, x, template=None):
x = x(view, template)
return unicode(x)
def partialTag(name):
def partialTag(name, indentation=''):
def func(self):
tmpl = Template(self.partial(name))
tmpl.view = self
parsed = tmpl._parse()
nonblank = re.compile(r'^(.)', re.M)
template = re.sub(nonblank, indentation + r'\1', self.partial(name))
template = Template(template)
template.view = self
parsed = template._parse()
return ''.join(map(call, [self] * len(parsed), parsed))
return func
......@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ class Template(object):
self.otag, self.ctag = name.split()
elif captures['tag'] == '>':
buffer.append(partialTag(name, captures['whitespace']))
elif captures['tag'] in ['#', '^']:
self._parse(template, name, pos)
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