Commit 76c8caa0 by Chris Jerdonek

Reordered the documentation in the Renderer.__init__() docstring.

parent fe7f6511
...@@ -56,6 +56,29 @@ class Renderer(object): ...@@ -56,6 +56,29 @@ class Renderer(object):
Arguments: Arguments:
file_encoding: the name of the encoding to use by default when
reading template files. All templates are converted to unicode
prior to parsing. Defaults to the package default.
string_encoding: the name of the encoding to use when converting
to unicode any byte strings (type str in Python 2) encountered
during the rendering process. This name will be passed as the
encoding argument to the built-in function unicode().
Defaults to the package default.
decode_errors: the string to pass as the errors argument to the
built-in function unicode() when converting byte strings to
unicode. Defaults to the package default.
search_dirs: the list of directories in which to search when
loading a template by name or file name. If given a string,
the method interprets the string as a single directory.
Defaults to the package default.
file_extension: the template file extension. Pass False for no
extension (i.e. to use extensionless template files).
Defaults to the package default.
partials: an object (e.g. a dictionary) for custom partial loading partials: an object (e.g. a dictionary) for custom partial loading
during the rendering process. during the rendering process.
The object should have a get() method that accepts a string The object should have a get() method that accepts a string
...@@ -68,10 +91,6 @@ class Renderer(object): ...@@ -68,10 +91,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
the file system -- using relevant instance attributes like the file system -- using relevant instance attributes like
search_dirs, file_encoding, etc. search_dirs, file_encoding, etc.
decode_errors: the string to pass as the errors argument to the
built-in function unicode() when converting str strings to
unicode. Defaults to the package default.
escape: the function used to escape variable tag values when escape: the function used to escape variable tag values when
rendering a template. The function should accept a unicode rendering a template. The function should accept a unicode
string (or subclass of unicode) and return an escaped string string (or subclass of unicode) and return an escaped string
...@@ -85,26 +104,6 @@ class Renderer(object): ...@@ -85,26 +104,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
consider using markupsafe's escape function: markupsafe.escape(). consider using markupsafe's escape function: markupsafe.escape().
This argument defaults to the package default. This argument defaults to the package default.
file_encoding: the name of the default encoding to use when reading
template files. All templates are converted to unicode prior
to parsing. This encoding is used when reading template files
and converting them to unicode. Defaults to the package default.
file_extension: the template file extension. Pass False for no
extension (i.e. to use extensionless template files).
Defaults to the package default.
search_dirs: the list of directories in which to search when
loading a template by name or file name. If given a string,
the method interprets the string as a single directory.
Defaults to the package default.
string_encoding: the name of the encoding to use when converting
to unicode any strings of type str encountered during the
rendering process. The name will be passed as the encoding
argument to the built-in function unicode(). Defaults to the
package default.
missing_tags: a string specifying how to handle missing tags. missing_tags: a string specifying how to handle missing tags.
If 'strict', an error is raised on a missing tag. If 'ignore', If 'strict', an error is raised on a missing tag. If 'ignore',
the value of the tag is the empty string. Defaults to the the value of the tag is the empty string. Defaults to the
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