Commit 40d09a12 by dbr Committed by Chris Wanstrath

Pystash class with static method seems redundant,

change it to a single function. Also update the
parent dbb50631
from pystache.template import Template
class Pystache(object):
def render(template, context={}):
return Template(template, context).render()
def render(template, context={}):
return Template(template, context).render()
import unittest
from pystache import Pystache
import pystache
class TestPystache(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
ret = Pystache.render("Hi {{thing}}!", { 'thing': 'world' })
ret = pystache.render("Hi {{thing}}!", { 'thing': 'world' })
self.assertEquals(ret, "Hi world!")
def test_less_basic(self):
template = "It's a nice day for {{beverage}}, right {{person}}?"
ret = Pystache.render(template, { 'beverage': 'soda', 'person': 'Bob' })
ret = pystache.render(template, { 'beverage': 'soda', 'person': 'Bob' })
self.assertEquals(ret, "It's a nice day for soda, right Bob?")
def test_even_less_basic(self):
template = "I think {{name}} wants a {{thing}}, right {{name}}?"
ret = Pystache.render(template, { 'name': 'Jon', 'thing': 'racecar' })
ret = pystache.render(template, { 'name': 'Jon', 'thing': 'racecar' })
self.assertEquals(ret, "I think Jon wants a racecar, right Jon?")
def test_comments(self):
template = "What {{! the }} what?"
ret = Pystache.render(template)
ret = pystache.render(template)
self.assertEquals(ret, "What what?")
def test_false_sections_are_hidden(self):
template = "Ready {{#set}}set {{/set}}go!"
ret = Pystache.render(template, { 'set': False })
ret = pystache.render(template, { 'set': False })
self.assertEquals(ret, "Ready go!")
def test_true_sections_are_shown(self):
template = "Ready {{#set}}set{{/set}} go!"
ret = Pystache.render(template, { 'set': True })
ret = pystache.render(template, { 'set': True })
self.assertEquals(ret, "Ready set go!")
def test_sections(self):
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TestPystache(unittest.TestCase):
context = { 'users': [ {'name': 'Chris'}, {'name': 'Tom'}, {'name': 'PJ'} ] }
ret = Pystache.render(template, context)
ret = pystache.render(template, context)
self.assertEquals(ret, """
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