Commit 3da797f9 by Chris Jerdonek

More minor refactorings.

parent 46ffcc2e
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import types
# TODO: what are the possibilities for val?
def call(val, view, template=None):
if callable(val):
(args, _, _, _) = inspect.getargspec(val)
......@@ -44,15 +45,28 @@ def parse_to_tree(template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
return template.parse_to_tree()
def render_parse_tree(parse_tree, view, template):
Convert a parse-tree into a string.
get_string = lambda val: call(val, view, template)
parts = map(get_string, parse_tree)
return ''.join(parts)
def render(template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
template: template string
view: context
parse_tree = parse_to_tree(template, view, delims)
return render_parse_tree(parse_tree, view, template)
## The possible function parse-tree elements:
def partialTag(name, indentation=''):
def func(self):
nonblank = re.compile(r'^(.)', re.M)
......@@ -60,14 +74,16 @@ def partialTag(name, indentation=''):
return render(template, self)
return func
def sectionTag(name, parse_tree_, template, delims):
def sectionTag(name, parse_tree_, template_, delims):
def func(self):
template = template_
parse_tree = parse_tree_
data = self.get(name)
if not data:
return ''
elif callable(data):
parse_tree = parse_to_tree(call(view=self, val=data, template=template), self, delims)
template = call(val=data, view=self, template=template)
parse_tree = parse_to_tree(template, self, delims)
data = [ data ]
elif type(data) not in [list, tuple]:
data = [ data ]
......@@ -153,16 +169,21 @@ class Template(object):
if match is None:
index = self._handle_match(template, match, parse_tree, start_index)
captures = match.groupdict()
match_index = match.end('content')
end_index = match.end()
index = self._handle_match(parse_tree, captures, start_index, match_index, end_index)
# Save the rest of the template.
return parse_tree
def _handle_match(self, template, match, parse_tree, start_index):
def _handle_match(self, parse_tree, captures, start_index, match_index, end_index):
template = self.template
# Normalize the captures dictionary.
captures = match.groupdict()
if captures['change'] is not None:
captures.update(tag='=', name=captures['delims'])
elif captures['raw'] is not None:
......@@ -170,9 +191,6 @@ class Template(object):
match_index = match.end('content')
end_index = match.end()
# Standalone (non-interpolation) tags consume the entire line,
# both leading whitespace and trailing newline.
did_tag_begin_line = match_index == 0 or template[match_index - 1] in END_OF_LINE_CHARACTERS
......@@ -190,15 +208,19 @@ class Template(object):
captures['whitespace'] = ''
name = captures['name']
if captures['tag'] == '!':
elif captures['tag'] == '=':
return end_index
if captures['tag'] == '=':
self.otag, self.ctag = name.split()
elif captures['tag'] == '>':
return end_index
if captures['tag'] == '>':
func = partialTag(name, captures['whitespace'])
elif captures['tag'] in ['#', '^']:
except EndOfSection as e:
......@@ -206,23 +228,27 @@ class Template(object):
tmpl = e.template
end_index = e.position
tag = { '#': sectionTag, '^': inverseTag }[captures['tag']]
parse_tree.append(tag(name, bufr, tmpl, (self.otag, self.ctag)))
elif captures['tag'] == '/':
raise EndOfSection(parse_tree, template[start_index:match_index], end_index)
tag = sectionTag if captures['tag'] == '#' else inverseTag
func = tag(name, bufr, tmpl, (self.otag, self.ctag))
elif captures['tag'] in ['{', '&']:
func = literal_tag_function(name)
elif captures['tag'] == '':
func = escape_tag_function(name)
elif captures['tag'] == '/':
# TODO: don't use exceptions for flow control.
raise EndOfSection(parse_tree, template[start_index:match_index], end_index)
raise Exception("'%s' is an unrecognized type!" % captures['tag'])
return end_index
def render(self, encoding=None):
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