Commit 3cd84e99 by Chris Jerdonek

Merge commit 'view-simplification' into development

parents cae37b1f 638cbc1f
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ class NestedContext(pystache.View):
def derp(self):
return [{'inner': 'car'}]
def herp(self):
return [{'outer': 'car'}]
def nested_context_in_view(self):
return 'it works!' if self.get('outer') == self.get('inner') else ''
\ No newline at end of file
return 'it works!' if self.context.get('outer') == self.context.get('inner') else ''
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ class TemplatePartial(pystache.View):
return [{'item': 'one'}, {'item': 'two'}, {'item': 'three'}]
def thing(self):
return self.get('prop')
\ No newline at end of file
return self.context.get('prop')
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,20 +30,6 @@ class Locator(object):
self.template_extension = extension
def _find_path(self, file_name, search_dirs):
Search for the given file, and return the path.
Returns None if the file is not found.
for dir_path in search_dirs:
file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return file_path
return None
def get_object_directory(self, obj):
Return the directory containing an object's defining class.
......@@ -53,6 +39,9 @@ class Locator(object):
doctest that appears in a text file (rather than a Python file).
if not hasattr(obj, '__module__'):
return None
module = sys.modules[obj.__module__]
if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
......@@ -63,13 +52,6 @@ class Locator(object):
return os.path.dirname(path)
def make_file_name(self, template_name):
file_name = template_name
if self.template_extension is not False:
file_name += os.path.extsep + self.template_extension
return file_name
def make_template_name(self, obj):
Return the canonical template name for an object instance.
......@@ -94,17 +76,77 @@ class Locator(object):
return re.sub('[A-Z]', repl, template_name)[1:]
def locate_path(self, template_name, search_dirs):
def make_file_name(self, template_name, template_extension=None):
Generate and return the file name for the given template name.
template_extension: defaults to the instance's extension.
Find and return the path to the template with the given name.
file_name = template_name
if template_extension is None:
template_extension = self.template_extension
if template_extension is not False:
file_name += os.path.extsep + template_extension
return file_name
def _find_path(self, search_dirs, file_name):
Search for the given file, and return the path.
Returns None if the file is not found.
for dir_path in search_dirs:
file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return file_path
return None
def _find_path_required(self, search_dirs, file_name):
Return the path to a template with the given file name.
path = self._find_path(search_dirs, file_name)
if path is None:
# TODO: we should probably raise an exception of our own type.
raise IOError('Template file %s not found in directories: %s' %
(repr(file_name), repr(search_dirs)))
return path
def find_path_by_name(self, search_dirs, template_name):
Return the path to a template with the given name.
file_name = self.make_file_name(template_name)
path = self._find_path(file_name, search_dirs)
if path is not None:
return path
return self._find_path_required(search_dirs, file_name)
def find_path_by_object(self, search_dirs, obj, file_name=None):
Return the path to a template associated with the given object.
if file_name is None:
# TODO: should we define a make_file_name() method?
template_name = self.make_template_name(obj)
file_name = self.make_file_name(template_name)
dir_path = self.get_object_directory(obj)
if dir_path is not None:
search_dirs = [dir_path] + search_dirs
path = self._find_path_required(search_dirs, file_name)
# TODO: we should probably raise an exception of our own type.
raise IOError('Template %s not found in directories: %s' %
(repr(template_name), repr(search_dirs)))
return path
......@@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ class Reader(object):
self.decode_errors = decode_errors
self.encoding = encoding
def read(self, path):
def unicode(self, text, encoding=None):
if encoding is None:
encoding = self.encoding
return unicode(text, encoding, self.decode_errors)
def read(self, path, encoding=None):
Read the template at the given path, and return it as a unicode string.
......@@ -50,6 +56,4 @@ class Reader(object):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
text =
text = unicode(text, self.encoding, self.decode_errors)
return text
return self.unicode(text, encoding)
......@@ -190,8 +190,9 @@ class Renderer(object):
locator = self.make_locator()
def load_template(template_name):
path = locator.locate_path(template_name=template_name, search_dirs=self.search_dirs)
template_path = locator.find_path_by_name(self.search_dirs, template_name)
return load_template
......@@ -263,19 +264,10 @@ class Renderer(object):
class definition.
search_dirs = self.search_dirs
locator = self.make_locator()
template_path = locator.find_path_by_object(self.search_dirs, obj)
template_name = locator.make_template_name(obj)
directory = locator.get_object_directory(obj)
# TODO: add a unit test for the case of a None return value.
if directory is not None:
search_dirs = [directory] + self.search_dirs
path = locator.locate_path(template_name=template_name, search_dirs=search_dirs)
def _render_string(self, template, *context, **kwargs):
......@@ -5,43 +5,59 @@ This module provides a View class.
import os.path
from .context import Context
from .locator import Locator
from .locator import Locator as TemplateLocator
from .reader import Reader
from .renderer import Renderer
# TODO: rename this class to something else (e.g. ITemplateInfo)
class View(object):
template_name = None
template_path = None
Subclass this class only if template customizations are needed.
The following attributes allow one to customize/override template
information on a per View basis. A None value means to use default
behavior and perform no customization. All attributes are initially
set to None.
template: the template to use, as a unicode string.
template_path: the path to the template file, relative to the
directory containing the module defining the class.
template_dir: the directory containing the template file, relative
to the directory containing the module defining the class.
template_extension: the template file extension. Defaults to "mustache".
Pass False for no extension (i.e. extensionless template files).
template = None
template_encoding = None
template_path = None
template_directory = None
template_name = None
template_extension = None
template_encoding = None
_renderer = None
locator = Locator()
locator = TemplateLocator()
def __init__(self, template=None, context=None, partials=None, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, context=None):
Construct a View instance.
partials: a custom object (e.g. dictionary) responsible for
loading partials during the rendering process. The object
should have a get() method that accepts a string and returns
the corresponding template as a string, preferably as a
unicode string. The method should return None if there is
no template with that name, or raise an exception.
if template is not None:
self.template = template
context = Context.create(self, context, **kwargs)
self._partials = partials
context = Context.create(self, context)
self.context = context
......@@ -52,8 +68,7 @@ class View(object):
# instantiation some of the attributes on which the Renderer
# depends. This lets users set the template_extension attribute,
# etc. after View.__init__() has already been called.
renderer = Renderer(partials=self._partials,
renderer = Renderer(file_encoding=self.template_encoding,
self._renderer = renderer
......@@ -98,8 +113,69 @@ class View(object):
renderer = self._get_renderer()
return renderer.render(template, self.context)
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.context.get(key, default)
def __str__(self):
return self.render()
class Locator(object):
A class for finding the template associated to a View instance.
# TODO: unit test this.
def __init__(self, search_dirs, template_locator=None, reader=None):
if reader is None:
reader = Reader()
if template_locator is None:
template_locator = TemplateLocator()
self.reader = reader
self.search_dirs = search_dirs
self.template_locator = template_locator
def get_relative_template_location(self, view):
Return the relative template path as a (dir, file_name) pair.
if view.template_path is not None:
return os.path.split(view.template_path)
template_dir = view.template_directory
# Otherwise, we don't know the directory.
template_name = (view.template_name if view.template_name is not None else
file_name = self.template_locator.make_file_name(template_name, view.template_extension)
return (template_dir, file_name)
def get_template_path(self, view):
Return the path to the view's associated template.
dir_path, file_name = self.get_relative_template_location(view)
if dir_path is None:
# Then we need to search for the path.
path = self.template_locator.find_path_by_object(self.search_dirs, view, file_name=file_name)
obj_dir = self.template_locator.get_object_directory(view)
path = os.path.join(obj_dir, dir_path, file_name)
return path
def get_template(self, view):
Return the unicode template string associated with a view.
if view.template is not None:
return self.reader.unicode(view.template, view.template_encoding)
path = self.get_template_path(view)
return, view.template_encoding)
......@@ -27,3 +27,11 @@ def assert_strings(test_case, actual, expected):
test_case.assertEquals(actual, expected, message)
class AssertIsMixin:
"""A mixin for adding assertIs() to a unittest.TestCase."""
# unittest.assertIs() is not available until Python 2.7:
def assertIs(self, first, second):
self.assertTrue(first is second, msg="%s is not %s" % (repr(first), repr(second)))
ascii: abc
\ No newline at end of file
# coding: utf-8
from pystache.view import View
class SayHello(object):
def to(self):
return "World"
class SampleView(View):
class NonAscii(View):
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import unittest
from pystache.context import _NOT_FOUND
from pystache.context import _get_value
from pystache.context import Context
from tests.common import AssertIsMixin
class SimpleObject(object):
......@@ -39,16 +39,6 @@ class DictLike(object):
return self._dict[key]
class AssertIsMixin:
"""A mixin for adding assertIs() to a unittest.TestCase."""
# unittest.assertIs() is not available until Python 2.7:
def assertIs(self, first, second):
self.assertTrue(first is second, msg="%s is not %s" % (repr(first), repr(second)))
class GetValueTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
"""Test context._get_value()."""
......@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ class TestView(unittest.TestCase):
def test_literal(self):
self.assertEquals(Unescaped().render(), "<h1>Bear > Shark</h1>")
def test_literal_sigil(self):
view = Escaped(template="<h1>{{& thing}}</h1>", context={
'thing': 'Bear > Giraffe'
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "<h1>Bear > Giraffe</h1>")
def test_template_partial(self):
self.assertEquals(TemplatePartial().render(), """<h1>Welcome</h1>
Again, Welcome!""")
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Contains unit tests.
from datetime import datetime
import os
import sys
import unittest
......@@ -13,12 +14,11 @@ from pystache.locator import Locator
from pystache.reader import Reader
from .common import DATA_DIR
from data.views import SayHello
class LocatorTests(unittest.TestCase):
search_dirs = 'examples'
def _locator(self):
return Locator(search_dirs=DATA_DIR)
......@@ -36,12 +36,20 @@ class LocatorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_object_directory(self):
locator = Locator()
reader = Reader()
actual = locator.get_object_directory(reader)
obj = SayHello()
actual = locator.get_object_directory(obj)
self.assertEquals(actual, os.path.abspath(DATA_DIR))
def test_get_object_directory__not_hasattr_module(self):
locator = Locator()
expected = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'pystache')
obj = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, '__module__'))
self.assertEquals(locator.get_object_directory(obj), None)
self.assertEquals(os.path.normpath(actual), os.path.normpath(expected))
self.assertFalse(hasattr(None, '__module__'))
self.assertEquals(locator.get_object_directory(None), None)
def test_make_file_name(self):
locator = Locator()
......@@ -55,21 +63,26 @@ class LocatorTests(unittest.TestCase):
locator.template_extension = ''
self.assertEquals(locator.make_file_name('foo'), 'foo.')
def test_locate_path(self):
def test_make_file_name__template_extension_argument(self):
locator = Locator()
path = locator.locate_path('simple', search_dirs=['examples'])
self.assertEquals(locator.make_file_name('foo', template_extension='bar'), '')
def test_find_path_by_name(self):
locator = Locator()
path = locator.find_path_by_name(search_dirs=['examples'], template_name='simple')
self.assertEquals(os.path.basename(path), 'simple.mustache')
def test_locate_path__using_list_of_paths(self):
def test_find_path_by_name__using_list_of_paths(self):
locator = Locator()
path = locator.locate_path('simple', search_dirs=['doesnt_exist', 'examples'])
path = locator.find_path_by_name(search_dirs=['doesnt_exist', 'examples'], template_name='simple')
def test_locate_path__precedence(self):
def test_find_path_by_name__precedence(self):
Test the order in which locate_path() searches directories.
Test the order in which find_path_by_name() searches directories.
locator = Locator()
......@@ -77,19 +90,50 @@ class LocatorTests(unittest.TestCase):
dir1 = DATA_DIR
dir2 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'locator')
self.assertTrue(locator.locate_path('duplicate', search_dirs=[dir1]))
self.assertTrue(locator.locate_path('duplicate', search_dirs=[dir2]))
self.assertTrue(locator.find_path_by_name(search_dirs=[dir1], template_name='duplicate'))
self.assertTrue(locator.find_path_by_name(search_dirs=[dir2], template_name='duplicate'))
path = locator.locate_path('duplicate', search_dirs=[dir2, dir1])
path = locator.find_path_by_name(search_dirs=[dir2, dir1], template_name='duplicate')
dirpath = os.path.dirname(path)
dirname = os.path.split(dirpath)[-1]
self.assertEquals(dirname, 'locator')
def test_locate_path__non_existent_template_fails(self):
def test_find_path_by_name__non_existent_template_fails(self):
locator = Locator()
self.assertRaises(IOError, locator.find_path_by_name, search_dirs=[], template_name='doesnt_exist')
def test_find_path_by_object(self):
locator = Locator()
obj = SayHello()
actual = locator.find_path_by_object(search_dirs=[], obj=obj, file_name='sample_view.mustache')
expected = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'sample_view.mustache'))
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_find_path_by_object__none_file_name(self):
locator = Locator()
self.assertRaises(IOError, locator.locate_path, 'doesnt_exist', search_dirs=[])
obj = SayHello()
actual = locator.find_path_by_object(search_dirs=[], obj=obj)
expected = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'say_hello.mustache'))
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_find_path_by_object__none_object_directory(self):
locator = Locator()
obj = None
self.assertEquals(None, locator.get_object_directory(obj))
actual = locator.find_path_by_object(search_dirs=[DATA_DIR], obj=obj, file_name='say_hello.mustache')
expected = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'say_hello.mustache')
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_make_template_name(self):
......@@ -36,6 +36,45 @@ class ReaderTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
reader = Reader(encoding='foo')
self.assertEquals(reader.encoding, 'foo')
def test_unicode(self):
Test unicode(): default values.
reader = Reader()
actual = reader.unicode("foo")
self.assertEquals(type(actual), unicode)
self.assertEquals(actual, u"foo")
def test_unicode__encoding_attribute(self):
Test unicode(): encoding attribute.
reader = Reader()
non_ascii = u'é'.encode('utf-8')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, reader.unicode, non_ascii)
reader.encoding = 'utf-8'
self.assertEquals(reader.unicode(non_ascii), u"é")
def test_unicode__encoding_argument(self):
Test unicode(): encoding argument.
reader = Reader()
non_ascii = u'é'.encode('utf-8')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, reader.unicode, non_ascii)
self.assertEquals(reader.unicode(non_ascii, encoding='utf-8'), u'é')
def test_read(self):
Test read().
......@@ -55,25 +94,36 @@ class ReaderTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
contents =
self.assertEqual(type(contents), unicode)
def test_read__encoding(self):
def test_read__encoding__attribute(self):
Test read(): encoding attribute respected.
reader = Reader()
path = self._get_path('nonascii.mustache')
path = self._get_path('non_ascii.mustache')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError,, path)
reader.encoding = 'utf-8'
self.assertEquals(, u'non-ascii: é')
def test_read__encoding__argument(self):
Test read(): encoding argument respected.
reader = Reader()
path = self._get_path('non_ascii.mustache')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError,, path)
self.assertEquals(, encoding='utf-8'), u'non-ascii: é')
def test_get__decode_errors(self):
Test get(): decode_errors attribute.
reader = Reader()
path = self._get_path('nonascii.mustache')
path = self._get_path('non_ascii.mustache')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError,, path)
reader.decode_errors = 'replace'
......@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ class RenderTests(unittest.TestCase):
self._assert_render('BAR', '{{{foo}}}', {'foo': 'bar'}, engine=engine)
def test_literal__sigil(self):
template = "<h1>{{& thing}}</h1>"
context = {'thing': 'Bear > Giraffe'}
expected = "<h1>Bear > Giraffe</h1>"
self._assert_render(expected, template, context)
def test__escape(self):
Test that render() uses the escape attribute.
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from pystache.renderer import Renderer
from pystache.locator import Locator
from .common import get_data_path
from .data.templates import SayHello
from .data.views import SayHello
class RendererInitTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class RendererTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(type(actual), unicode)
def test_read__file_encoding(self):
filename = 'nonascii.mustache'
filename = 'non_ascii.mustache'
renderer = Renderer()
renderer.file_encoding = 'ascii'
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class RendererTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(actual, u'non-ascii: é')
def test_read__decode_errors(self):
filename = 'nonascii.mustache'
filename = 'non_ascii.mustache'
renderer = Renderer()
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, self._read, renderer, filename)
# coding: utf-8
Unit tests of
import os.path
import unittest
import pystache
from examples.simple import Simple
from examples.complex_view import ComplexView
from examples.lambdas import Lambdas
from examples.inverted import Inverted, InvertedLists
from pystache.reader import Reader
from pystache.view import View
from pystache.view import Locator as ViewLocator
from .common import AssertIsMixin
from .common import DATA_DIR
from .data.views import SampleView
from .data.views import NonAscii
class Thing(object):
......@@ -25,39 +38,6 @@ class ViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
view = TestView()
self.assertEquals(view.template, "foo")
def test_init__kwargs_does_not_modify_context(self):
Test that passing **kwargs does not modify the passed context.
context = {"foo": "bar"}
view = View(context=context, fuzz="buzz")
self.assertEquals(context, {"foo": "bar"})
def test_basic(self):
view = Simple("Hi {{thing}}!", { 'thing': 'world' })
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi world!")
def test_kwargs(self):
view = Simple("Hi {{thing}}!", thing='world')
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi world!")
def test_render(self):
view = Simple(thing='world')
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi world!")
def test_render__partials(self):
Test passing partials to View.__init__().
template = "{{>partial}}"
partials = {"partial": "Loaded from dictionary"}
view = Simple(template=template, partials=partials)
actual = view.render()
self.assertEquals(actual, "Loaded from dictionary")
def test_template_path(self):
Test that View.template_path is respected.
......@@ -88,24 +68,6 @@ class ViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
view.template_path = "examples"
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Partial: No tags...")
def test_template_load_from_multiple_path(self):
path = Simple.template_path
Simple.template_path = ('examples/nowhere','examples',)
view = Simple(thing='world')
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi world!")
Simple.template_path = path
def test_template_load_from_multiple_path_fail(self):
path = Simple.template_path
Simple.template_path = ('examples/nowhere',)
view = Simple(thing='world')
self.assertRaises(IOError, view.render)
Simple.template_path = path
def test_basic_method_calls(self):
view = Simple()
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi pizza!")
......@@ -115,13 +77,6 @@ class ViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
view.thing = 'Chris'
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi Chris!")
def test_view_instances_as_attributes(self):
other = Simple(name='chris')
other.template = '{{name}}'
view = Simple()
view.thing = other
self.assertEquals(view.render(), "Hi chris!")
def test_complex(self):
"""<h1>Colors</h1><ul><li><strong>red</strong></li><li><a href="#Green">green</a></li><li><a href="#Blue">blue</a></li></ul>""")
......@@ -168,5 +123,157 @@ class ViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
view = InvertedLists()
self.assertEquals(view.render(), """one, two, three, empty list""")
if __name__ == '__main__':
class LocatorTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
def _make_locator(self):
locator = ViewLocator(search_dirs=[DATA_DIR])
return locator
# TODO: fully test constructor.
def test_init__reader(self):
reader = "reader" # in practice, this is a reader instance.
locator = ViewLocator(search_dirs=None, template_locator=None, reader=reader)
self.assertIs(locator.reader, reader)
def _assert_template_location(self, view, expected):
locator = self._make_locator()
actual = locator.get_relative_template_location(view)
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_get_relative_template_location(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): default behavior (no attributes set).
view = SampleView()
self._assert_template_location(view, (None, 'sample_view.mustache'))
def test_get_relative_template_location__template_path__file_name_only(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): template_path attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template_path = 'template.txt'
self._assert_template_location(view, ('', 'template.txt'))
def test_get_relative_template_location__template_path__file_name_with_directory(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): template_path attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template_path = 'foo/bar/template.txt'
self._assert_template_location(view, ('foo/bar', 'template.txt'))
def test_get_relative_template_location__template_directory(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): template_directory attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template_directory = 'foo'
self._assert_template_location(view, ('foo', 'sample_view.mustache'))
def test_get_relative_template_location__template_name(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): template_name attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template_name = 'new_name'
self._assert_template_location(view, (None, 'new_name.mustache'))
def test_get_relative_template_location__template_extension(self):
Test get_relative_template_location(): template_extension attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template_extension = 'txt'
self._assert_template_location(view, (None, 'sample_view.txt'))
def test_get_template_path__with_directory(self):
Test get_template_path() with a view that has a directory specified.
locator = self._make_locator()
view = SampleView()
view.template_path = 'foo/bar.txt'
self.assertTrue(locator.get_relative_template_location(view)[0] is not None)
actual = locator.get_template_path(view)
expected = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'foo/bar.txt'))
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_get_template_path__without_directory(self):
Test get_template_path() with a view that doesn't have a directory specified.
locator = self._make_locator()
view = SampleView()
self.assertTrue(locator.get_relative_template_location(view)[0] is None)
actual = locator.get_template_path(view)
expected = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'sample_view.mustache'))
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def _assert_get_template(self, view, expected):
locator = self._make_locator()
actual = locator.get_template(view)
self.assertEquals(type(actual), unicode)
self.assertEquals(actual, expected)
def test_get_template(self):
Test get_template(): default behavior (no attributes set).
view = SampleView()
self._assert_get_template(view, u"ascii: abc")
def test_get_template__template(self):
Test get_template(): template attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template = 'foo'
self._assert_get_template(view, 'foo')
def test_get_template__template__template_encoding(self):
Test get_template(): template attribute with template encoding attribute.
view = SampleView()
view.template = u'é'.encode('utf-8')
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, self._assert_get_template, view, 'foo')
view.template_encoding = 'utf-8'
self._assert_get_template(view, u'é')
def test_get_template__template_encoding(self):
Test get_template(): template_encoding attribute.
view = NonAscii()
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, self._assert_get_template, view, 'foo')
view.template_encoding = 'utf-8'
self._assert_get_template(view, u"non-ascii: é")
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