Commit 384475a5 by Chris Jerdonek

Merge branch 'issue-99-dot-notation' into development:

Addresses issue #99: "Mustache spec v1.1.2 compliance"
parents 29ac86c0 bd6b5f04
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ History
0.6.0 (TBD)
* Added support for dot notation and version 1.1.2 of the spec (issue #99). [rbp]
* Bugfix: falsey values now coerced to strings using str().
* Bugfix: issue #113: lambda return values for sections no longer pushed
onto context stack.
* Bugfix: issue #114: lists of lambdas for sections were not rendered.
* Bugfix: lambda return values for sections no longer pushed onto context stack (issue #113).
* Bugfix: lists of lambdas for sections were not rendered (issue #114).
0.5.1 (2012-04-24)
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ syntax. For a more complete (and more current) description of Mustache's
behavior, see the official `Mustache spec`_.
Pystache is `semantically versioned`_ and can be found on PyPI_. This
version of Pystache passes all tests in `version 1.0.3`_ of the spec.
version of Pystache passes all tests in `version 1.1.2`_ of the spec.
Logo: `David Phillips`_
......@@ -230,5 +230,5 @@ Authors
.. _TemplateSpec:
.. _test:
.. _tox:
.. _version 1.0.3:
.. _version 1.1.2:
.. _version 2.0.9:
Subproject commit 48c933b0bb780875acbfd15816297e263c53d6f7
Subproject commit bf6288ed6bd0ce8ccea6f1dac070b3d779132c3b
# coding: utf-8
Exposes a ContextStack class and functions to retrieve names from context.
Exposes a ContextStack class.
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ def _is_callable(obj):
return hasattr(obj, '__call__')
# TODO: rename item to context (now that we have a separate notion of context stack).
# TODO: document what a "context" is as opposed to a context stack.
def _get_value(item, key):
Retrieve a key's value from an item.
......@@ -60,25 +62,6 @@ def _get_value(item, key):
return _NOT_FOUND
# TODO: add some unit tests for this.
def resolve(context, name):
Resolve the given name against the given context stack.
This function follows the rules outlined in the section of the spec
regarding tag interpolation.
This function does not coerce the return value to a string.
if name == '.':
# The spec says that if the name fails resolution, the result should be
# considered falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
return context.get(name, '')
class ContextStack(object):
......@@ -186,9 +169,65 @@ class ContextStack(object):
return context
def get(self, key, default=None):
# TODO: add some unit tests for this.
def get(self, name, default=u''):
Query the stack for the given key, and return the resulting value.
Resolve a dotted name against the current context stack.
This function follows the rules outlined in the section of the spec
regarding tag interpolation.
name: a dotted or non-dotted name.
default: the value to return if name resolution fails at any point.
Defaults to the empty string since the Mustache spec says that if
name resolution fails at any point, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
This function does not coerce the return value to a string.
if name == '.':
# TODO: should we add a test case for an empty context stack?
parts = name.split('.')
value = self._get_simple(parts[0])
for part in parts[1:]:
# TODO: consider using EAFP here instead.
if value is _NOT_FOUND:
# The full context stack is not used to resolve the remaining parts.
# From the spec--
# 5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be
# resolved against a context stack containing only the result
# from the former resolution. If any part fails resolution, the
# result should be considered falsey, and should interpolate as
# the empty string.
# TODO: make sure we have a test case for the above point.
value = _get_value(value, part)
if value is _NOT_FOUND:
return default
return value
# TODO: combine the docstring for this method with the docstring for
# the get() method.
def _get_simple(self, key):
Query the stack for a non-dotted key, and return the resulting value.
key: a non-dotted name.
This method queries items in the stack in order from last-added
objects to first (last in, first out). The value returned is
......@@ -253,15 +292,16 @@ class ContextStack(object):
TODO: explain the rationale for this difference in treatment.
for obj in reversed(self._stack):
val = _get_value(obj, key)
val = _NOT_FOUND
for item in reversed(self._stack):
val = _get_value(item, key)
if val is _NOT_FOUND:
# Otherwise, the key was found.
return val
# Otherwise, no item in the stack contained the key.
return default
return val
def push(self, item):
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Defines a class responsible for rendering logic.
import re
from pystache.context import resolve
from pystache.parser import Parser
......@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ class RenderEngine(object):
Get a value from the given context as a basestring instance.
val = resolve(context, tag_name)
val = context.get(tag_name)
if callable(val):
# According to the spec:
......@@ -191,3 +191,28 @@ class SetupDefaults(object):
defaults.FILE_ENCODING = self.original_file_encoding
defaults.STRING_ENCODING = self.original_string_encoding
class Attachable(object):
A class that attaches all constructor named parameters as attributes.
For example--
>>> obj = Attachable(foo=42, size="of the universe")
>>> repr(obj)
"Attachable(foo=42, size='of the universe')"
>>> obj.size
'of the universe'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__args__ = kwargs
for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, arg, value)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, repr(v))
for k, v in self.__args__.iteritems()))
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import unittest
from pystache.context import _NOT_FOUND
from pystache.context import _get_value
from pystache.context import ContextStack
from pystache.tests.common import AssertIsMixin
from pystache.tests.common import AssertIsMixin, AssertStringMixin, Attachable
class SimpleObject(object):
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class GetValueTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
self.assertNotFound(item2, 'pop')
class ContextStackTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
class ContextStackTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin, AssertStringMixin):
Test the ContextStack class.
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class ContextStackTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
context = ContextStack()
self.assertTrue(context.get("foo") is None)
self.assertString(context.get("foo"), u'')
def test_get__default(self):
......@@ -395,3 +395,76 @@ class ContextStackTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertIsMixin):
# Confirm the original is unchanged.
self.assertEqual(original.get(key), "buzz")
def test_dot_notation__dict(self):
name = ""
stack = ContextStack({"foo": {"bar": "baz"}})
self.assertEqual(stack.get(name), "baz")
# Works all the way down
name = "a.b.c.d.e.f.g"
stack = ContextStack({"a": {"b": {"c": {"d": {"e": {"f": {"g": "w00t!"}}}}}}})
self.assertEqual(stack.get(name), "w00t!")
def test_dot_notation__user_object(self):
name = ""
stack = ContextStack({"foo": Attachable(bar="baz")})
self.assertEquals(stack.get(name), "baz")
# Works on multiple levels, too
name = "a.b.c.d.e.f.g"
A = Attachable
stack = ContextStack({"a": A(b=A(c=A(d=A(e=A(f=A(g="w00t!"))))))})
self.assertEquals(stack.get(name), "w00t!")
def test_dot_notation__mixed_dict_and_obj(self):
name = ""
stack = ContextStack({"foo": Attachable(bar={"baz": Attachable(bak=42)})})
self.assertEquals(stack.get(name), 42)
def test_dot_notation__missing_attr_or_key(self):
name = ""
stack = ContextStack({"foo": {"bar": {}}})
self.assertString(stack.get(name), u'')
stack = ContextStack({"foo": Attachable(bar=Attachable())})
self.assertString(stack.get(name), u'')
def test_dot_notation__missing_part_terminates_search(self):
Test that dotted name resolution terminates on a later part not found.
Check that if a later dotted name part is not found in the result from
the former resolution, then name resolution terminates rather than
starting the search over with the next element of the context stack.
From the spec (interpolation section)--
5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved
against a context stack containing only the result from the former
resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
This test case is equivalent to the test case in the following pull
stack = ContextStack({'a': {'b': 'A.B'}}, {'a': 'A'})
self.assertEqual(stack.get('a'), 'A')
self.assertString(stack.get('a.b'), u'')
self.assertEqual(stack.get('a.b'), 'A.B')
def test_dot_notation__autocall(self):
name = ""
# When any element in the path is callable, it should be automatically invoked
stack = ContextStack({"foo": Attachable(bar=Attachable(baz=lambda: "Called!"))})
self.assertEquals(stack.get(name), "Called!")
class Foo(object):
def bar(self):
return Attachable(baz='Baz')
stack = ContextStack({"foo": Foo()})
self.assertEquals(stack.get(name), "Baz")
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from pystache.context import ContextStack
from pystache import defaults
from pystache.parser import ParsingError
from pystache.renderengine import RenderEngine
from pystache.tests.common import AssertStringMixin
from pystache.tests.common import AssertStringMixin, Attachable
def mock_literal(s):
......@@ -580,3 +580,78 @@ class RenderTests(unittest.TestCase, AssertStringMixin):
expected = u' {{foo}} '
self._assert_render(expected, '{{=$ $=}} {{foo}} ')
self._assert_render(expected, '{{=$ $=}} {{foo}} $={{ }}=$') # was yielding u' '.
def test_dot_notation(self):
Test simple dot notation cases.
Check that we can use dot notation when the variable is a dict,
user-defined object, or combination of both.
template = 'Hello, {{}}. I see you are {{person.details.age}}.'
person = Attachable(name='Biggles', details={'age': 42})
context = {'person': person}
self._assert_render(u'Hello, Biggles. I see you are 42.', template, context)
def test_dot_notation__missing_attributes_or_keys(self):
Test dot notation with missing keys or attributes.
Check that if a key or attribute in a dotted name does not exist, then
the tag renders as the empty string.
template = """I cannot see {{}}'s age: {{person.age}}.
Nor {{}}'s: ."""
expected = u"""I cannot see Biggles's age: .
Nor Mr. Bradshaw's: ."""
context = {'person': {'name': 'Biggles'},
'other_person': Attachable(name='Mr. Bradshaw')}
self._assert_render(expected, template, context)
def test_dot_notation__multiple_levels(self):
Test dot notation with multiple levels.
template = """Hello, Mr. {{}}.
I see you're back from {{}}.
I'm missing some of your details: {{person.details.private.editor}}."""
expected = u"""Hello, Mr. Pither.
I see you're back from Cornwall.
I'm missing some of your details: ."""
context = {'person': {'name': {'firstname': 'unknown', 'lastname': 'Pither'},
'travels': {'last': {'country': {'city': 'Cornwall'}}},
'details': {'public': 'likes cycling'}}}
self._assert_render(expected, template, context)
# It should also work with user-defined objects
context = {'person': Attachable(name={'firstname': 'unknown', 'lastname': 'Pither'},
self._assert_render(expected, template, context)
def test_dot_notation__missing_part_terminates_search(self):
Test that dotted name resolution terminates on a later part not found.
Check that if a later dotted name part is not found in the result from
the former resolution, then name resolution terminates rather than
starting the search over with the next element of the context stack.
From the spec (interpolation section)--
5) If any name parts were retained in step 1, each should be resolved
against a context stack containing only the result from the former
resolution. If any part fails resolution, the result should be considered
falsey, and should interpolate as the empty string.
This test case is equivalent to the test case in the following pull
template = '{{a.b}} :: ({{#c}}{{a}} :: {{a.b}}{{/c}})'
context = {'a': {'b': 'A.B'}, 'c': {'a': 'A'} }
self._assert_render(u'A.B :: (A :: )', template, context)
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