Commit 373ba016 by Chris Jerdonek

RenderEngine now calls Template class correctly.

parent 34a17052
......@@ -116,11 +116,13 @@ class RenderEngine(object):
context: a Context instance.
self.context = context
_template = Template(template=template)
_template.to_unicode = self.literal
_template.escape = self.escape
_template.partial = self.load_partial
return self._render(template)
return _template.render_template(template=template, context=context)
def _compile_regexps(self):
......@@ -333,14 +335,13 @@ def call(val, view, template=None):
return unicode(val)
def render_parse_tree(parse_tree, view, template):
def render_parse_tree(parse_tree, context, template):
Convert a parse-tree into a string.
get_string = lambda val: call(val, view, template)
get_string = lambda val: call(val, context, template)
parts = map(get_string, parse_tree)
return ''.join(parts)
def inverseTag(name, parsed, template, delims):
......@@ -361,17 +362,9 @@ class Template(object):
tag_re = None
otag, ctag = '{{', '}}'
def __init__(self, template=None, context={}, **kwargs):
from view import View
def __init__(self, template=None):
self.template = template
if kwargs:
self.view = context if isinstance(context, View) else View(context=context)
def _compile_regexps(self):
tags = {'otag': re.escape(self.otag), 'ctag': re.escape(self.ctag)}
tag = r"""
......@@ -397,16 +390,31 @@ class Template(object):
return context.partial(name)
def escape_tag_function(self, name):
fetch = self.literal_tag_function(name)
get_literal = self.literal_tag_function(name)
def func(context):
return self.escape(fetch(context))
u = get_literal(context)
u = self.escape(u)
return u
return func
def literal_tag_function(self, name):
def func(context):
val = context.get(name)
template = call(val=val, view=context)
return self.to_unicode(self.render_template(template, context))
if callable(val):
# According to the spec:
# When used as the data value for an Interpolation tag,
# the lambda MUST be treatable as an arity 0 function,
# and invoked as such. The returned value MUST be
# rendered against the default delimiters, then
# interpolated in place of the lambda.
template = val()
val = self.render_template(template, context)
u = self.to_unicode(val)
return u
return func
def partial_tag_function(self, name, indentation=''):
......@@ -432,22 +440,23 @@ class Template(object):
parts = []
for element in data:
context.context_list.insert(0, element)
parts.append(render_parse_tree(parse_tree, context, delims))
del context.context_list[0]
return ''.join(parts)
return func
def parse_string_to_tree(self, template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
def parse_string_to_tree(self, template, delims=('{{', '}}')):
template = Template(template)
template.view = view
template.to_unicode = self.to_unicode
template.otag = delims[0]
template.ctag = delims[1]
template.escape = self.escape
template.partial = self.partial
template.otag, template.ctag = delims
template.to_unicode = self.to_unicode
......@@ -550,22 +559,17 @@ class Template(object):
return end_index
def render_template(self, template, view, delims=('{{', '}}')):
def render_template(self, template, context, delims=('{{', '}}')):
template: template string
view: context
context: a Context instance
parse_tree = self.parse_string_to_tree(template, view, delims)
return render_parse_tree(parse_tree, view, template)
def render(self, encoding=None):
result = self.render_template(self.template, self.view)
if encoding is not None:
result = result.encode(encoding)
return result
if not isinstance(template, basestring):
raise AssertionError("template: %s" % repr(template))
parse_tree = self.parse_string_to_tree(template=template, delims=delims)
return render_parse_tree(parse_tree, context, template)
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