Commit 1485797f by Chris Jerdonek

Wording change in README regarding simplejson.

parent e013e059
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Pystache is tested with the following versions of Python:
* Python 2.7
JSON support is needed only for the command-line interface and to run the
spec tests. Python's json_ module is new as of Python 2.6. Python's
simplejson_ package works with earlier versions of Python. Because
simplejson stopped officially supporting Python 2.4 as of version 2.1.0,
Python 2.4 requires an earlier version.
spec tests. We require simplejson_ for earlier versions of Python since
Python's json_ module was added in Python 2.6. Moreover, we require an
earlier version of simplejson for Python 2.4 since simplejson stopped
officially supporting Python 2.4 with version 2.1.0.
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