Commit 09906e25 by Chris Jerdonek

Spec tests now work with Python 2.4: code now fully works with Python 2.4

parent 2e7942cf
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ Run this script using the -h option for command-line help.
import json
# For Python 2.5 support: the json module is new in version 2.6.
# The json module is new in Python 2.6, whereas simplejson is
# compatible with earlier versions.
import simplejson as json
# The optparse module is deprecated in Python 2.7 in favor of argparse.
......@@ -3,32 +3,28 @@
Creates a unittest.TestCase for the tests defined in the mustache spec.
We did not call this file something like "" to avoid matching
nosetests's default regular expression "(?:^|[\b_\./-])[Tt]est".
This allows us to exclude the spec test cases by default when running
nosetests. To include the spec tests, one can use the following option,
for example--
nosetests -i spec
# TODO: this module can be cleaned up somewhat.
# We deserialize the json form rather than the yaml form because
# json libraries are available for Python 2.4.
import json
# The json module is new in Python 2.6, whereas simplejson is
# compatible with earlier versions.
import simplejson as json
import glob
import os.path
import unittest
import yaml
from pystache.renderer import Renderer
def code_constructor(loader, node):
value = loader.construct_mapping(node)
return eval(value['python'], {})
yaml.add_constructor(u'!code', code_constructor)
specs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'ext', 'spec', 'specs')
specs = glob.glob(os.path.join(specs, '*.yml'))
root_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'ext', 'spec', 'specs')
spec_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(root_path, '*.json'))
class MustacheSpec(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -46,8 +42,16 @@ def buildTest(testData, spec_filename):
expected = testData['expected']
data = testData['data']
# Convert code strings to functions.
# TODO: make this section of code easier to understand.
new_data = {}
for key, val in data.iteritems():
if isinstance(val, dict) and val.get('__tag__') == 'code':
val = eval(val['python'])
new_data[key] = val
renderer = Renderer(partials=partials)
actual = renderer.render(template, data)
actual = renderer.render(template, new_data)
actual = actual.encode('utf-8')
message = """%s
......@@ -64,14 +68,28 @@ def buildTest(testData, spec_filename):
self.assertEquals(actual, expected, message)
# The name must begin with "test" for nosetests test discovery to work.
test.__name__ = 'test: "%s"' % test_name
name = 'test: "%s"' % test_name
# If we don't convert unicode to str, we get the following error:
# "TypeError: __name__ must be set to a string object"
test.__name__ = str(name)
return test
for spec in specs:
file_name = os.path.basename(spec)
for spec_path in spec_paths:
file_name = os.path.basename(spec_path)
# We avoid use of the with keyword for Python 2.4 support.
f = open(spec_path, 'r')
spec_data = json.load(f)
tests = spec_data['tests']
for test in yaml.load(open(spec))['tests']:
for test in tests:
test = buildTest(test, file_name)
setattr(MustacheSpec, test.__name__, test)
# Prevent this variable from being interpreted as another test.
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