Commit f7917eca by Timothée Peignier

fix merge with paltman branch

parents 9202db78 bef9a80e
from django.conf import settings
from compress.filter_base import FilterBase, FilterError
REPLACE_LIST = getattr(settings, 'COMPRESS_CSS_URL_REPLACE', [])
class CSSURLReplace(FilterBase):
def filter_css(self, css):
filtered_css = css
if type(REPLACE_LIST) == list:
if len(REPLACE) == 2:
filtered_css = filtered_css.replace(REPLACE[0], REPLACE[1])
if self.verbose:
print 'Replaced "%s" with "%s"' % REPLACE
return filtered_css
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@ class Command(NoArgsCommand):
for name, js in settings.COMPRESS_JS.items():
u, version = needs_update(js['output_filename'],
if 'external_urls' in js:
u, version = False, "External"
u, version = needs_update(js['output_filename'],
if (force or u) or verbosity >= 2:
msg = 'JavaScript Group \'%s\'' % name
......@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ class Command(NoArgsCommand):
print len(msg) * '-'
print "Version: %s" % version
if force or u:
if (force or u) and 'external_urls' not in js:
filter_js(js, verbosity)
if (force or u) or verbosity >= 2:
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class CompressedCSSNode(template.Node):
if u:
elif not css.get('extra_context', {}).get('prefix', None):
filename_base, filename = os.path.split(css['output_filename'])
path_name = compress_root(filename_base)
version = get_version_from_file(path_name, filename)
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class CompressedJSNode(template.Node):
if u:
elif not js.get('extra_context', {}).get('prefix', None):
filename_base, filename = os.path.split(js['output_filename'])
path_name = compress_root(filename_base)
version = get_version_from_file(path_name, filename)
......@@ -86,6 +86,46 @@ Network, you can use the optional _prefix_ parameter:
In this example, the template tags will render _ in the link tag. You will need to manually put there after you build as part of your deployment process.
h4. CSS URL Replace Filter
This is a really simple filter for doing Python string replacements on your CSS. The use case for this is when you have root relative
urls defined in your css:
body {background-image:url(/media/images/background.gif);}
If you are compiling your media to live on another server, for example if you are deploying the compiled resources to Amazon S3, these
root relative urls will break. That is of course unless you also deploy all the media so they stay relative. However, then you limit yourself
from being able to prefix the source with a date or version number. Ideally, you should be able to control where the images are deployed
and those might be different from where your js/css media are being served from.
This filter offers a very simple solution. Really too simple. One could make the argument for just doing this search and replace manually
after the fact, however, I like for my build process to be as automated as possible. Therefore, I want to write down the rules/settings
once and be able to repeat the build process when needed without thinking about the find and replace.
Enough babbling, here is an example section:
COMPRESS_CSS_FILTERS = ('compress.filters.yui.YUICompressorFilter', 'compress.filters.css_url_replace.CSSURLReplace')
URL_REPLACE_HOST = 'http://localhost:8000'
COMPRESS_CSS_URL_REPLACE = [("url(/media", "url(%s/media" % URL_REPLACE_HOST),]
This will run the CSSURLReplace filter after the CSS is compressed (it is safe to do this in any order, at least for this filter). The URL_REPLACE_HOST
is not required, just a variable I defined in my settings file to keep things clean (and to override in other environments -- this is obviously my dev
settings file).
The COMPRESS_CSS_URL_REPLACE is the only required setting by this filter. It takes a list of tuples, each tuple being exactly two strings.
The first argument in each tuple is the string to find, and the second is the string to replace it with. The replace operations will execute
in the order they are inserted into the list. Here I am replacing all url(/media....) in my compiled css to an absolute url of url(http://localhost:8000/media...).
This will have the result of my compiled css can be hosted anywhere and the images will still be served off of http://localhost:8000 (or anywhere else
that I define in URL_REPLACE_HOST prior to build).
You could obviously use this filter to do other types of replacements.
h4. External urls
While django-compress does a great job of minimizing the amount of http requests on your site (hence increasing performence) there are sometimes cases
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