Commit bf9a46ea by Timothée Peignier

add mhtml variant

parent 27a51434
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Backwards Incompatible Changes
A list of backwards incompatible changes
Version 1.1.0
* Most of the settings name have change to be prefixed by ``PIPELINE_``.
* CSSTidy isn't the default anymore, YUI Compressor is now the default.
......@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ Group options
Is the variant you want to apply to your CSS. This allow you to embed images and
fonts in CSS with data-URI.
Allowed values are : ``None`` or ``datauri``.
Is the variant you want to apply to your CSS. This allow you to embed images
and fonts in CSS with data-URI or MHTML.
Allowed values are : ``None``, ``datauri`` or ``mhtml``.
Defaults to ``None``.
......@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ EMBEDDABLE = r'[\A\/]embed\/'
URL_DETECTOR = r'url\([\'"]?([^\s)]+\.[a-z]+)[\'"]?\)'
URL_REPLACER = r'url\(__EMBED__(.+?)(\?\d+)?\)'
MHTML_START = "/*\r\nContent-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"MHTML_MARK\"\r\n\r\n"
MHTML_END = "\r\n--MHTML_MARK--\r\n*/\r\n"
'.png': 'image/png',
'.jpg': 'image/jpeg',
......@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ class Compressor(object):
return to_class(settings.PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR)
css_compressor = property(css_compressor)
def compress_js(self, paths, templates=None):
def compress_js(self, paths, templates=None, asset_url=None):
"""Concatenate and compress JS files"""
js = self.concatenate(paths)
if templates:
......@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ class Compressor(object):
js = getattr(self.js_compressor(verbose=self.verbose), 'compress_js')(js)
return js
def compress_css(self, paths, variant=None):
def compress_css(self, paths, variant=None, asset_url=None):
"""Concatenate and compress CSS files"""
css = self.concatenate_and_rewrite(paths, variant)
css = getattr(self.css_compressor(verbose=self.verbose), 'compress_css')(css)
......@@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ class Compressor(object):
return css
elif variant == "datauri":
return self.with_data_uri(css)
elif variant == "mhtml":
return self.with_mhtml(css, asset_url)
raise CompressorError("\"%s\" is not a valid variant" % variant)
......@@ -158,6 +164,29 @@ class Compressor(object):
return "url(\"data:%s;charset=utf-8;base64,%s\")" % (mime_type, data)
return re.sub(URL_REPLACER, datauri, css)
def with_mhtml(self, css, asset_url):
paths = {}
def mhtml(match):
path =
if not path in paths:
paths[path] = "%s-%s" % (match.start(), os.path.basename(path))
return "url(mhtml:%s!%s)" % (asset_url, paths[path])
css = re.sub(URL_REPLACER, mhtml, css)
mhtml = []
for path, location in paths.items():
mime_type = self.mime_type(path)
data = self.encoded_content(path)
"Content-Location: %s\r\n" % location,
"Content-Type: %s\r\n" % mime_type,
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n",
output = [MHTML_START, mhtml, MHTML_END, css]
return ''.join([part for parts in output for part in parts])
def encoded_content(self, path):
if path in self.__class__.asset_contents:
return self.__class__.asset_contents[path]
......@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ class Packager(object):
print "Version: %s" % version
print "Saving: %s" % self.compressor.relative_path(output_filename)
paths = self.compile(package['paths'])
content = compress(paths, **kwargs)
content = compress(paths,
asset_url=self.individual_url(output_filename), **kwargs)
self.save_file(output_filename, content)
signal.send(sender=self, package=package, version=version)
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