Commit 2bf3f4c9 by Timothée Peignier

update README

parent e82fa443
django-compress provides an automated system for compressing CSS and
**django-compress** provides an automated system for compressing CSS and
JavaScript files. By default, it only outputs compressed files while not in
DEBUG-mode. That means you can still debug and edit your source files while
coding, and when going to production, the compressed files will be
......@@ -8,16 +8,12 @@ Support for jsmin and CSSTidy is included and enabled by default (but can
easily be disabled). Support for YUI Compressor is also supported out of the
django-compress includes template tags for outputting the URLs to the
**django-compress** includes template tags for outputting the URLs to the
CSS/JavaScript?-files and some other goodies to improve the performance of
serving static media.
django-compress is available at github[1] and Google Code[2]. You can always
access the latest and greatest code from both git and Subversion.
**django-compress** [code][] and [documentation][] is available at [github][].
The documentation is available online at Github[3], or under docs/ in the
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