Commit 170a73b0 by Timothée Peignier

remove git versionning

parent 45f95a00
from pipeline.conf import settings
from import storage
from pipeline.versioning import VersioningBase, VersioningError
from django.utils.hashcompat import sha_constructor
import git
except ImportError:
raise VersioningError("Must have GitPython package installed to use git versioning")
class GitVersioningBase(VersioningBase):
def need_update(self, output_file, paths, version):
output_file_name = self.output_filename(output_file, version)
placeholder_index = output_file.index(placeholder)
old_version = output_file_name[placeholder_index:placeholder_index + len(placeholder) - len(output_file)]
return (version != old_version), version
except ValueError:
# No placeholder found, do not update, manual update if needed
return False, version
def hexdigest(self, plaintext):
return sha_constructor(plaintext).hexdigest()
class GitRevVersioning(GitVersioningBase):
Version as hash of revision of all files in sources_files list.
def version(self, paths):
repo = git.Repo(storage.path(paths[0]))
kwargs = {'max_count': 1}
commit_revs = []
for f in paths:
f = storage.path(f)
commit = [i for i in repo.iter_commits(paths=f, **kwargs)][0]
return self.hexdigest(', '.join(commit_revs))[0:16]
class GitHeadRevVersioning(GitVersioningBase):
Version as hash of latest revision in HEAD. Assumes all sources_files in same git repo.
def version(self, paths):
repo = git.Repo(storage.path(paths[0]))
return self.hexdigest(repo.head.commit.name_rev)[0:16]
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