Commit 14ea9b65 by Timothée Peignier

make jinja2 ext

parent 53e071ad
import inspect
from import staticfiles_storage
except ImportError:
from import staticfiles_storage # noqa
from django.conf import settings as django_settings
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from pipeline.conf import settings as pipeline_settings
from pipeline.packager import Packager, PackageNotFound
from pipeline.utils import guess_type
class Jinja2Compressed(object):
def __init__(self, package_type):
from django.template.loaders import app_directories
if package_type not in ['css', 'js']:
raise PackageNotFound("Package type must be css or js, supplied %s" % package_type)
self.package_type = package_type
self.loader = FileSystemLoader((app_directories.app_template_dirs +
def get_pipeline_settings(self):
Because extra Jinja2 functions have to be declared
at creation time the new functions have to be declared before
django settings evaluation so when pipeline tries to import django
settings it will get the default globals rather than user defined
settings. This function attempts to fudge back in user defined
settings into pipeline settings as django.conf.settings is lazy
loaded and pipeline settings are not.
No harm intended :)
I guess a better more robust solution would be to make pipeline
settings lazy loaded also.
members = inspect.getmembers(pipeline_settings)
for setting, val in members:
if setting.startswith('PIPELINE'):
if hasattr(django_settings, setting):
val = getattr(django_settings, setting)
if type(getattr(pipeline_settings, setting)) == str:
val = "'%s'" % val
val = val if val else "''"
expr = "pipeline_settings.%s = %s" % (setting, val)
exec expr
pipeline_settings.PIPELINE = getattr(django_settings,
'PIPELINE', not django_settings.DEBUG)
self.settings = pipeline_settings
def get_package(self, name):
"""Get the js or css package."""
package = {
'js': self.settings.PIPELINE_JS.get(name, {}),
'css': self.settings.PIPELINE_CSS.get(name, {}),
if package:
package = {name: package}
self.packager = {
'js': Packager(css_packages={}, js_packages=package),
'css': Packager(css_packages=package, js_packages={}),
self.package = self.packager.package_for(self.package_type, name)
except PackageNotFound:
self.package = None
def render(self, path):
"""Render the HTML tag."""
if not self.package.template_name:
template_name = {
'js': 'pipeline/js.jinja',
'css': 'pipeline/css.jinja',
template_name = self.package.template_name
mimetype = {
'js': 'text/javascript',
'css': 'text/css',
context = self.package.extra_context
'type': guess_type(path, mimetype),
'url': staticfiles_storage.url(path)
env = Environment(loader=self.loader)
tpl = env.get_template(template_name)
return tpl.render(**context)
def html(self, name):
"""Render the HTML Snippet"""
if self.package:
if self.settings.PIPELINE:
return self.render(self.package.output_filename)
paths = self.packager.compile(self.package.paths)
templates = self.packager.pack_templates(self.package)
return {
'css': self.render_individual_css(paths),
'js': self.render_individual_js(paths, templates)
return '' # don't return anything if no package found
def render_individual_css(self, paths):
"""Render individual CSS files"""
tags = [self.render(path) for path in paths]
return '\n'.join(tags)
def render_individual_js(self, paths, templates=None):
"""Render individual JS files"""
tags = [self.render(path) for path in paths]
if templates:
tags.append(self.render_inline_js(self.package, templates))
return '\n'.join(tags)
def render_inline_js(self, package, js):
template_name = (self.package.template_name or
context = self.package.extra_context
'source': js
env = Environment(loader=self.loader)
tpl = env.get_template(template_name)
return tpl.render(**context)
from jinja2.ext import Extension
def compressed_css(package_name):
compress = Jinja2Compressed('css')
return compress.html(package_name)
class PipelineExtension(Extension):
tags = set(['compressed_css', 'compressed_js'])
def compressed_js(package_name):
compress = Jinja2Compressed('js')
return compress.html(package_name)
def parse(self, parser):
return []
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