Commit d649b8b2 by Ed Crewe

add to documentation

parent b553e6bf
Ed Crewe 24 Nov 2010 Ed Crewe 2 Dec 2010
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Add proxy authentication
Add the CAS proxy patch from Fredrik Jönsson Norrström Add the CAS proxy patch from Fredrik Jönsson Norrström
Create this as a clone to allow for any other tweaks required, and so Create this as a clone to allow for any other tweaks required, and so
that it can easily pulled down for use. that it can easily pulled down for use.
Also added missing - Added missing
- Modified model timestamp field to not use Oracle reserved word, and ensured timestamp was added
- Added a test class that tests the full proxy authentication round trip
as detailed at
NB: This class is independent of implementation so can be used to test java CAS proxies too
You must ensure that the proxying server not only has SSL but that SSL has the full
chain of valid certificates. This can be checked via
openssl s_client -connect your.proxy.server:443 -verify 3 -pause -showcerts
otherwise the SSO server will reject it as a proxy and just do ordinary authentication
The callback url for some SSO server implementations may need to be at the root
in this case you will need to add the following to your sites home page view in django
rather than handle proxy validation via a separate entry in URLs
if request.GET.get('pgtIou',''):
from django_cas.views import proxy_callback
return proxy_callback(request)
2.0.3 README 2.0.3 README
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