Commit f55b2ba1 by Piotr Mitros

Generic hinting framework

parent 132ad676
For hinting, we have two stages for figuring out whether answers
should correspond to the same hint:
* Transformation to a canonical format
* Comparison
For example, in the case of numberic answers, we would like to bring
any equation into a canonical form:
* 0.333 ==> 0.33
* 1/3 ==> 0.3333333
* 1-2/3 ==> 0.333333
For comparisons, we would like 0.33 and 0.33333 to compare as
equivalent. Note that this is not transitive. If we have a 0.01
tolerance, 0.33 ~= 0.335, 0.335 ~= 0.34, and 0.34 ~= 0.345, but
0.33 is not equivalent to 0.345.
This is quite broad:
* For open-ended responses, we can canonicalize to a feature vector,
and compare the distance between those vectors.
* For code responses, we can canonicalize to an AST (or other
tree-like representations), and compare ASTs.
Note that we may be comparing from *many* hints, so comparison should
be fast (and in all cases we've worked through, it is). In contrast,
canonicalization is often quite slow -- this is true for extracting
feature vectors, for code, etc.
This isn't intended to give 100% coverage of the types of hints we
would like to deliver. Duolingo has a relatively complex
language-specific hinting frameworks, which would *not* fit into this
model, it does surprisingly well in a large range of cases.
The signature of a canonizalizer is:
def canonicalize(answer, params=None):
return canonicalized_answer
The signature of a comparator is:
def compare(answer_a, answer_b, params=None):
if answer_a == answer_b
return True
return False
`params` is an optoinal JSON object for now. For numerical answers, it
might be {'threshold' : 0.01, 'comparison' : 'absolute'}.
def canonicalize(answer, params = None):
function_name = params['function']
function = _canonicalizers[function_name]
return function(answer, params)
def compare(answer_a, answer_b, params = None):
function_name = params['function']
function = _comparators[function_name]
return function(answer_a, answer_b, params)
class InvalidParameterException(ValueError):
def canonicalizer(*args):
def wrapper(f):
_canonicalizers[_clean_name(f)] = f
return f
return wrapper
def comparator(*args):
def wrapper(f):
_comparators[_clean_name(f)] = f
return f
return wrapper
def _clean_name(f):
name = f.func_name
name = name.replace('_', ' ')
name = name.strip()
return name
## Internal implementation, and sample canonicalizers and comparators
_canonicalizers = {}
_comparators = {}
def _identity(answer, params=None):
Default canonizalization function -- just return the submission.
return answer
def _string_case(answer, params=None):
Canonicalization function for strings which compares them without
return answer.lower()
def _exact(answer_a, answer_b, params=None):
Comparison function for any submission which requires an exact
return answer_a == answer_b
def _numerical_tolerance(answer_a, answer_b, params=None):
Comparison function for numerical submissions which compares with
if params == None:
params = {}
threshold = params.get('threshold', 0.01)
comparison = params.get('comparison', 'absolute').lower()
if comparison == 'absolute':
return abs(answer_a-answer_b) < threshold
elif comparison == 'relative':
return 2.0*abs(answer_a-answer_b)/(abs(answer_a)+abs(answer_b)) < threshold
raise InvalidParameterException()
### Test cases
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert compare("hello", "hello", {'function':'exact'})
assert not compare("hello", "Hello", {'function':'exact'})
assert compare(canonicalize("hello", {'function': 'string case'}), canonicalize("Hello", {'function': 'string case'}), {'function':'exact'})
assert not compare(canonicalize("hello", {'function': 'string case'}), canonicalize("Hello!", {'function': 'string case'}), {'function':'exact'})
assert compare(3, 3.01, {'function':'numerical tolerance'})
assert not compare(3., 4., {'function':'numerical tolerance'})
assert compare(3, 3.01, {'function':'numerical tolerance', 'threshold':0.05, 'comparison':'relative'})
assert compare(3., 4., {'function':'numerical tolerance', 'threshold':2.0})
assert not compare(3., 4., {'function':'numerical tolerance', 'threshold':0.5, 'comparison':'absolute'})
print "All tests pass!"
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