Commit f4f3d78b by Sola Committed by Piotr Mitros

fixed git issues

parent 9a3b4626
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
feedback_data[str(hints)] = str(answer_keys)
feedback_data[str("There are no hints for" + " " + str(answer_keys))] = str(answer_keys)
feedback_data[None] = str(answer_keys)
elif len(self.WrongAnswers) == 0:
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
feedback_data[str("There are no hints for" + " " + str(self.WrongAnswers[index]))] = str(self.WrongAnswers[index])
feedback_data[None] = str(self.WrongAnswers[index])
return feedback_data
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
This function is used to return the ratings of hints during hint feedback.
data['student_answer'] is the answer for the hint being displayed
data['hint_used'] is the hint being shown to the student
data['hint'] is the hint being shown to the student
hint_rating: the rating of the hint as well as data on what the hint in question is
......@@ -282,13 +282,13 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
if data['student_answer'] == 'Flagged':
hint_rating['rating'] = 0
hint_rating['student_ansxwer'] = 'Flagged'
hint_rating['hint_used'] = data['hint_used']
hint_rating['hint'] = data['hint']
return hint_rating
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[data['student_answer']])
temporary_dictionary = (ast.literal_eval(temporary_dictionary))
hint_rating['rating'] = temporary_dictionary[data['hint_used']]
hint_rating['rating'] = temporary_dictionary[data['hint']]
hint_rating['student_answer'] = data['student_answer']
hint_rating['hint_used'] = data['hint_used']
hint_rating['hint'] = data['hint']
return hint_rating
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
data['student_answer']: The incorrect answer that corresponds to the hint that is being voted on
data['used_hint']: The hint that is being voted on
data['hint']: The hint that is being voted on
data['student_rating']: The rating chosen by the student. The value is -1, 1, or 0.
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
# answer_data is manipulated to remove symbols to prevent errors that
# might arise due to certain symbols. I don't think I have this fully working but am not sure.
data_rating = data['student_rating']
data_hint = data['used_hint']
data_hint = data['hint']
if data['student_rating'] == 'unflag':
for flagged_hints in self.Flagged:
if self.Flagged[str(flagged_hints)] == data_hint:
......@@ -332,23 +332,23 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
if data['student_rating'] == 'flag':
# add hint to
self.Flagged[str(answer_data)] = data_hint
return {"rating": 'flagged', 'used_hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": 'flagged', 'hint': data_hint}
if str(data_hint) not in self.Voted:
self.Voted.append(str(data_hint)) # add data to Voted to prevent multiple votes
rating = self.change_rating(data_hint, data_rating, answer_data) # change hint rating
if str(rating) == str(0):
return {"rating": str(0), 'used_hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": str(0), 'hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": str(rating), 'used_hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": str(rating), 'hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": str('voted'), 'used_hint': data_hint}
return {"rating": str('voted'), 'hint': data_hint}
# def hint_flagged(self, data_hint, answer_data):
# """
# This is used to add a hint to the self.flagged dictionary. When a hint is returned with the rating
# of 0, it is considered to be flagged.
# Args:
# data_hint: This is equal to the data['used_hint'] in self.rate_hint
# data_hint: This is equal to the data['hint'] in self.rate_hint
# answer_data: This is equal to the data['student_answer'] in self.rate_hint
# """
# for answer_keys in self.hint_database:
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
in self.rate_hint
data_hint: This is equal to the data['used_hint'] in self.rate_hint
data_hint: This is equal to the data['hint'] in self.rate_hint
data_rating: This is equal to the data['student_rating'] in self.rate_hint
answer_data: This is equal to the data['student_answer'] in self.rate_hint
......@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
d2[data-rate="flag"] {
div[data-rate="flag"] {
align-self: flex-end;
d1[data-rate="upvote"] {
div[data-rate="upvote"] {
color: green;
font-weight: bold;
d5[data-rate="downvote"] {
div[data-rate="downvote"] {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
<script type="x-tmpl-mustache" id="show_hint_feedback">
<div class="hint_value" value={{hint}}>
<div role="button" class="rate_hint" data-rate="upvote" data-icon="arrow-u" aria-label="upvote">
<div role="button" class="rate_hint" data-rate="flag" data-icon="flag" aria-label="flag">
<div class ="rating"> {{rating}} </div>
<div class="hint"> {{hint}} </div>
<div role="button" class="rate_hint" data-rate="downvote" aria-label="downvote">
<div class="crowdxblock_block"> <!--most stuff just for testing purposes-->
<p> <span class='HintsToUse'></span>
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