Commit f02485cd by Sola Committed by Piotr Mitros

fixed JS method of showing hints

parent 0049df7f
......@@ -273,12 +273,16 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
data['hint_used'] is the hint being shown to the student
hint_rating: the rating of the hint.
hint_rating: the rating of the hint as well as data on what the hint in question is
hint_rating = {}
if data['student_answer'] == 'Flagged':
return '0'
temporary_dictionary = str(self.hint_database[data['student_answer']])
temporary_dictionary = (ast.literal_eval(temporary_dictionary))
hint_rating[data['hint_used']] = temporary_dictionary[data['hint_used']]
hint_rating['rating'] = temporary_dictionary[data['hint_used']]
hint_rating['student_answer'] = data['student_answer']
hint_rating['hint_used'] = data['hint_used']
return hint_rating
......@@ -96,13 +96,68 @@ function CrowdXBlock(runtime, element){
$('.HintsToUse', element).text(result.HintsToUse);
function showHintInfo(hint_used, student_answer){
var hint_rating = 0;
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_ratings'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_answer": student_answer, "hint_used": hint_used}),
success: function (result) {
HintInfo = String("<div class=\"hint_value\" value = \"" + hint_used + "\">" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"upvote_hint\" data-rate=\"1\" data-icon=\"arrow-u\" aria-label=\"upvote\"><b>↑</b></div>" +
"<div class = \"rating\">" + result + hint_used + "</div>" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"downvote_hint\" data-rate=\"-1\" aria-label=\"downvote\"><b>↓</b></div> </div>");
return HintInfo;
function appendHint(result){
$(".hints_for_"+result.student_answer, element).append("<div class=\"hint_value\" value = \"" + result.hint_used + "\">" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"upvote_hint\" data-rate=\"1\" data-icon=\"arrow-u\" aria-label=\"upvote\"><b>↑</b></div>" +
"<div class = \"rating\">" + result.rating + result.hint_used + "</div>" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"downvote_hint\" data-rate=\"-1\" aria-label=\"downvote\"><b>↓</b></div> </div>");
function appendFlagged(result){
$("flagged_hints", element).append("<div class=\"hint_value\" value = \"" + result.hint_used + "\">" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"upvote_hint\" data-rate=\"1\" data-icon=\"arrow-u\" aria-label=\"upvote\"><b>↑</b></div>" +
"<div class = \"rating\">" + result.rating + result.hint_used + "</div>" +
"<div role=\"button\" class=\"downvote_hint\" data-rate=\"-1\" aria-label=\"downvote\"><b>↓</b></div> </div>");
function getFeedback(result){
$.each(result, function(index, value) {
//data of student answer and hints are stored in the paragraphs/buttons
//so that when a button is clicked, the answer and hint can be sent to the python script
student_answer = value;
hint_used = index;
if (isStaff == true) {
if(isStaff == true){
$('.feedback', element).append("<p class=\"flagged_hints\" Flagged Hints </p>");
if(student_answer != "Flagged" && $(".hints_for_"+student_answer, element).length == 0){
$('.feedback', element).append("<p class=\"hints_for_"+student_answer+"\" Answer-specific hints for "
+student_answer+" </p>");
if($(".hints_for_"+student_answer, element).length != 0){
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_ratings'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_answer": student_answer, "hint_used": hint_used}),
success: appendHint
type: "POST",
url: runtime.handlerUrl(element, 'get_ratings'),
data: JSON.stringify({"student_answer": student_answer, "hint_used": hint_used}),
success: appendFlagged
if (isStaff == true && student_answer == "Flagged") {
$('.feedback', element).append("<p class=\"flagged_hints\"</p>");
if (student_answer == "Flagged") {
$(".flagged_hints", element).append("<div class=" + hint_used + "><div role=\"button\" class=\"return_hint\"" +
......@@ -110,7 +165,7 @@ function CrowdXBlock(runtime, element){
"</div> <div role=\"button\" class=\"purge_hint\" aria-label=\"purge\"><b>X</b></div></div>")
if($(".submit"+student_answer).length == 0){
else if($(".submit"+student_answer).length == 0){
$('.feedback', element).append("<p class=\"submit" + student_answer + "\"</p>");
$(".submit"+student_answer, element).append("<b>Answer-specific hints for \b" + " " + student_answer + "<p><input id=\"submitbuttonfor" + student_answer + "\" style=\"float: right; float: top;\" type=\"button\" class=\"submitbutton\" value=\"Submit a hint\"><p class=\"showHintsFor" + student_answer + "\"> </p></div>");
......@@ -134,7 +189,7 @@ function CrowdXBlock(runtime, element){
$('.showHintsFor'+student_answer).append("<p class=\".showHintsFor" + student_answer + "\"data-value=\"" + student_answer + "\"> <b>No hints exist in the database. (You received a default hint)</p> <p id=\"" + hint_used + "\"data-value=\"" + student_answer + "\" </p>");
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