Commit 839f772f by solashirai Committed by Piotr Mitros

some css and html changes

parent 95df17df
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import random
import json
import copy
from copy import deepcopy
from eventtracking import tracker
from xblock.core import XBlock
from xblock.fields import Scope, Dict, List, Boolean
......@@ -155,13 +154,11 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
# for multiple submissions/hint requests
if best_hint not in self.Flagged.keys():
tracker.emit('get_hint', answer, best_hint, 'best hint')
return {'HintsToUse': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
if best_hint not in self.Used:
# choose highest rated hint for the incorrect answer
if best_hint not in self.Flagged.keys():
tracker.emit('get_hint', answer, best_hint, 'best hint')
return {'HintsToUse': best_hint, "StudentAnswer": answer}
# choose another random hint for the answer.
temporary_hints_list = []
......@@ -171,13 +168,11 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
not_used = random.choice(temporary_hints_list)
tracker.emit('get_hint', answer, not_used, 'unused hint')
return {'HintsToUse': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
if len(self.generic_hints) != 0:
not_used = random.choice(self.generic_hints)
tracker.emit('get_hint', answer, not_used, 'generic hint')
return {'HintsToUse': not_used, "StudentAnswer": answer}
# if there are no more hints left in either the database or defaults
......@@ -310,24 +305,20 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
for flagged_hints in self.Flagged:
if flagged_hints == data_hint:
self.Flagged.pop(data_hint, None)
tracker.emit('rate_hint', data, 'unflagged')
return {'rating': 'unflagged'}
if data['student_rating'] == 'remove':
for flagged_hints in self.Flagged:
if data_hint == flagged_hints:
self.hint_database[self.Flagged[data_hint]].pop(data_hint, None)
self.Flagged.pop(data_hint, None)
tracker.emit('rate_hint', data, 'removed')
self.Flagged.pop(data_hint, None)
return {'rating': 'removed'}
if data['student_rating'] == 'flag':
# add hint to Flagged dictionary
self.Flagged[str(data_hint)] = answer_data
tracker.emit('rate_hint', data, 'flagged')
return {"rating": 'flagged', 'hint': data_hint}
if str(data_hint) not in self.Voted:
self.Voted.append(str(data_hint)) # add data to Voted to prevent multiple votes
rating = self.change_rating(data_hint, data_rating, answer_data) # change hint rating
tracker.emit('rate_hint', data, 'rating changed')
if str(rating) == str(0):
return {"rating": str(0), 'hint': data_hint}
......@@ -367,7 +358,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
submission = data['submission']
answer = data['answer']
tracker.emit('give_hint', answer, submission)
if str(submission) not in self.hint_database[str(answer)]:
self.hint_database[str(answer)].update({submission: 0})
......@@ -395,8 +385,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
"Hello world!"
Hello World!
{"initial_hint_answer": "michigann", "initial_hint_text": "you have an extra n", "generic_hint": "make sure to chekc your spelling"}
......@@ -410,22 +398,5 @@ class CrowdsourceHinter(XBlock):
A minimal working test for parse_xml
block = runtime.construct_xblock_from_class(cls, keys)
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
#['__class__', '__contains__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__module__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_filter', '_init', 'addnext', 'addprevious', 'append', 'attrib', 'base', 'blacklist', 'clear', 'extend', 'find', 'findall', 'findtext', 'get', 'getchildren', 'getiterator', 'getnext', 'getparent', 'getprevious', 'getroottree', 'index', 'insert', 'items', 'iter', 'iterancestors', 'iterchildren', 'iterdescendants', 'iterfind', 'itersiblings', 'itertext', 'keys', 'makeelement', 'nsmap', 'prefix', 'remove', 'replace', 'set', 'sourceline', 'tag', 'tail', 'text', 'values', 'xpath']
print type(node)
block.generic_hints = ["Make sure to check your answer for basic mistakes like spelling!"]
block.initial_hints = {"michigann": {"You have an extra N in your answer": 1}}
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return block
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
<div class="csh_hint"><b>{{hint}}</b></div>
<div class='csh_rating_data'>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="upvote" data-icon="arrow-u" aria-label="upvote">
<b>This hint was helpful</b>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="upvote" data-icon="arrow-u" title="This hint was helpful">
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="downvote" aria-label="downvote">
<b>This hint was not helpful</b>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="downvote" title="This hint was not helpful.">
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="flag" data-icon="flag" aria-label="flag">
<b>Report this hint</b>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="flag" data-icon="flag" title="Report this hint.">
......@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@
<script type="x-tmpl/mustache" id="show_flagged_feedback">
<div class="csh_hint_value" value ="{{hint}}">
<div role="button" class="csh_staff_rate" data-rate="unflag" aria-label="unflag">
<b>Unflag Hint</b>
<div class="csh_hint">{{hint}}</div>
<div role="button" class="csh_staff_rate" data-rate="remove" aria-label="remove">
<b>Remove Hint</b>
<script type="x-tmpl/mustache" id="student_hint_creation">
<textarea type="text" name="studentinput" class="csh_student_text_input"></textarea>
<input type="text" name="studentinput" class="csh_student_text_input">
<input answer="{{student_answer}}" type="button" class="csh_submit_new" value="Submit Hint">
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<script type="x-tmpl/mustache" id="show_answer_feedback">
<div class="csh_student_answer">
<h class="csh_answer_text" answer={{answer}}>
<i> Your original answer: {{answer}} <br> The hint you viewed: </i></h>
<i> Your original answer: </i>{{answer}} <br> <i>The hint you viewed: </i></h>
......@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
<div class='csh_HintQuickFeedback'>
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="upvote" title="This hint was helpful!">
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="downvote" title="This hint was not very helpful.">
<div role="button" class="csh_rate_hint" data-rate="flag" title="Report this hint">
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