Commit 65046659 by Sola Committed by Piotr Mitros

changes for first sprint

parent 6c73e51e
......@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@ This is the Crowd Sourced Hinter XBlock. The Crowd Sourced Hinter provides stude
with hints when they incorrectly answer a numerical-or text-input problem. Additionally,
the hints that are provided to students are student-made hints.
This XBlock is still under construction. Functionalities to set default hints, properly moderate flagged hints, and lots of improvements to user interface are to be done soon.
An example of a student recieving a hint
![CrowdSourcedHinter Hint Screenshot](crowdsourcedhinter_hint.png)
An example of a hint giving feedback
![CrowdSourcedHinter Student Feedback Screenshot](crowdsourcedhinter_feedback.png)
To bring the crowd sourced hinter into a demo course:
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