Commit 4bb3802d by Sola

added "Voted" to prevent multiple votes

parent 365d259b
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
WrongAnswers = List(default=[], scope=Scope.user_state) #List of mistakes made by user
DefaultHints = Dict(default={"hint": 100, "hinttwo": 10, "hintthree": 0, "hintasdf": 50, "aas;dklfj?": 1000, "SuperDuperBestHint": 10000}, scope=Scope.content) #Default hints in case no incorrect answers in hints match the user's mistake
Used = List(default=[], scope=Scope.user_state)#List of used hints from HintsToUse
Voted = Integer(default=0, scope=Scope.user_state)
def student_view(self, context=None):
html = self.resource_string("static/html/crowdxblock.html")
......@@ -77,30 +78,36 @@ class CrowdXBlock(XBlock):
@XBlock.json_handler #add 1 or -1 to rating of a hint
def rate_hint(self, data, suffix=''):
for key in self.hints:
tempdict = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #rate hint that is in hints
tempdict = (ast.literal_eval(tempdict))
if str(key) == str(self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']]): #ansnum will the the answer/hint pair that is selected
tempdict[self.Used[int(data['ansnum'])]] += int(data["rating"])
self.hints[str(key)] = tempdict
print("hints are " + str(self.hints[str(key)]))
print("otherstuff " + str(self.hints))
for key in self.DefaultHints:
if key == self.Used[int(data['ansnum'])]: #rating for hints in DefaultHints
self.DefaultHints[str(key)] += int(data["rating"])
if self.Voted == 0:
for key in self.hints:
tempdict = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #rate hint that is in hints
tempdict = (ast.literal_eval(tempdict))
if str(key) == str(self.WrongAnswers[data['ansnum']]): #ansnum will the the answer/hint pair that is selected
tempdict[self.Used[int(data['ansnum'])]] += int(data["rating"])
self.hints[str(key)] = tempdict
print("hints are " + str(self.hints[str(key)]))
print("otherstuff " + str(self.hints))
self.Voted = 1
for key in self.DefaultHints:
if key == self.Used[int(data['ansnum'])]: #rating for hints in DefaultHints
self.DefaultHints[str(key)] += int(data["rating"])
self.Voted = 1
def give_hint(self, data, suffix=''): #add student-made hint into hints
for key in self.hints:
if str(key) == str(self.WrongAnswers[0]):
if str(data['submission']) not in self.hints[str(key)]:
tempdict = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #rate hint that is in hints
tempdict = (ast.literal_eval(tempdict))
tempdict.update({data['submission']: 0})
self.hints[str(key)] = tempdict
self.hints[str(key)[str(data['submission'])]] += 1
if self.Voted == 0:
for key in self.hints:
if str(key) == str(self.WrongAnswers[0]):
if str(data['submission']) not in self.hints[str(key)]:
tempdict = str(self.hints[str(key)[0]]) #rate hint that is in hints
tempdict = (ast.literal_eval(tempdict))
tempdict.update({data['submission']: 0})
self.hints[str(key)] = tempdict
self.Voted = 1
self.hints[str(key)[str(data['submission'])]] += 1
self.Voted = 1
def workbench_scenarios():
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