devstack vagrantfile: mount "themes" from host · 79d46eb4
This mounts the "themes" directory on the host. This will enable people who have configured "stanford-style" themes to check out their themes on the host and have it useable in the devstack. Two things are a bit odd about this that are worth highlighting. 1. For people not using Stanford-style theming, which are most developers and certainly everyone at edX.org, this is a wasted export. It doesn't do any harm, but would it be confusing? I think that's OK. 2. The provision steps checks out the other repos that you need (edx-platform, cs_comment_service, etc.). We're not checking out the theme repo ourselves here, counting on the user to do so yourself later. I know this isn't consistent, but I couldn't plumb through the theming stuff into the rest of devstack provision, at least not right now.
Sef Kloninger committed