- 04 Jun, 2013 1 commit
e0d committed
- 03 Jun, 2013 2 commits
removing the ec2_elb library, now in 1.2 core
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
- 01 Jun, 2013 5 commits
Sef Kloninger committed
Sef Kloninger committed
Sef Kloninger committed
Jason Bau committed
version.py: remote repo fix for http remotes
Jason Bau committed
- 31 May, 2013 1 commit
We check out theme repos using a git HTTP url (git://) instead of git ssh url (git@). To make the version script work we need to generalize the regexp used to parse out the remotes. This was causing errors. To test I just tried this out in a REPL, see below: In [15]: for line in lines: print line ....: origingit@github.com:edx/edx-platform.git (fetch) origingit@github.com:edx/edx-platformrm.git (push) origingit://github.com/Stanford-Online/edx-theme.git (fetchtch) origingit://github.com/Stanford-Online/edx-theme.git (push) In [In16]: for line in lines: ....: if ' (fetch)' in line: ....: repo_url = re.search( ....: '(git@|git://)(.*) \(fetch\)', line).group(2).replace( ....: ':', '/') ....: print repo_url ....: github.com/edx/edx-platform.git github.com/Stanford-Online/edx-theme.git
Sef Kloninger committed
- 30 May, 2013 2 commits
- 23 May, 2013 3 commits
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
- 22 May, 2013 5 commits
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
sets --distribute flag in virtualenv creation
Jason Bau committed -
Jason Bau committed
and conditionalizes nginx site creation in edxapp role
Jason Bau committed
- 20 May, 2013 6 commits
consolidating lms/cms/lms-preview into edxapp role
John Jarvis committed -
Jason Bau committed
subdir with symlinks for organizing playbooks
John Jarvis committed -
Jason Bau committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
- 19 May, 2013 2 commits
Creates edxapp upstart job and combines lms, lms-preview. cms into the edxapp role.
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
- 17 May, 2013 4 commits
Jbau/minor git improvements
Jason Bau committed -
readme: manual post-cloudformation commands
Sef Kloninger committed -
Jason Bau committed
Jarv/fabric for deploys
John Jarvis committed
- 16 May, 2013 9 commits
Jason Bau committed
Jason Bau committed
new directory structure for requirements
John Jarvis committed -
Sef Kloninger committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
Sef Kloninger committed
Jbau/fix/remove duplicate keys cms env example
Jason Bau committed -
Jason Bau committed