Commit f18f75b8 by e0d

Merge pull request #1441 from edx/e0d/retirement-play

retirement play
parents 5bf80ceb c9875c90
# ansible-playbook -i ./ ./retire_host.yml
# -e@/vars/env.yml --limit Terminating_Wait
- name: Stop all services
hosts: Terminating_Wait
sudo: True
gather_facts: False
- stop_all_edx_services
- name: Sync the logs to s3
hosts: Terminating_Wait
sudo: True
- name: run log script
command: /edx/bin/send-logs-to-s3
- name: Run minos
hosts: Terminating_Wait
sudo: True
- name: run minos
command: /edx/app/aws/vens/bin/minos --config /edx/etc/minos.yml --json
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