Commit ecb56a98 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #1324 from edx/feanil/cluster_rabbitmq

Cluster all machines passed passed in.
parents 9b426fc9 5ae551b1
# ansible-playbook -i commoncluster.yml --limit tag_Name_stage-edx-commoncluster -e@/path/to/vars/env-deployment.yml -T 30 --list-hosts
- hosts: all
sudo: True
serial: 1
# By default take instances in and out of the elb(s) they
# are attached to
# To skip elb operations use "-e elb_pre_post=fase"
elb_pre_post: true
# Number of instances to operate on at a time
serial_count: 1
serial: "{{ serial_count }}"
- action: ec2_facts
- debug: var="{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
when: elb_pre_post
- name: Instance De-register
local_action: ec2_elb_local_1.6.2
instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
region: us-east-1
state: absent
wait_timeout: 60
sudo: False
when: elb_pre_post
- debug: msg="{{ ansible_ec2_local_ipv4 }}"
with_items: list.results
- shell: echo "rabbit@ip-{{ item|replace('.', '-') }}"
when: item != ansible_ec2_local_ipv4
with_items: hostvars.keys()
register: list
- command: rabbitmqctl stop_app
- command: rabbitmqctl join_cluster {{ item.stdout }}
when: item.stdout is defined
with_items: list.results
- command: rabbitmqctl start_app
- debug: var="{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
when: elb_pre_post
- name: Register instance in the elb
local_action: ec2_elb_local_1.6.2
instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
ec2_elbs: "{{ item }}"
region: us-east-1
state: present
wait_timeout: 60
with_items: ec2_elbs
sudo: False
when: elb_pre_post
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