Commit ebb3a2a3 by Feanil Patel

Build an elasticsearch docker container from our role.

Since we are still stuck on elasticsearch 0.90.13
parent 173bd797
FROM edxops/precise-common:latest
ADD . /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible
WORKDIR /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible/docker/plays
# Role is currently untagged
RUN /edx/app/edx_ansible/venvs/edx_ansible/bin/ansible-playbook elasticsearch.yml -c local \
-i ','
WORKDIR /etc/elasticsearch
CMD ["/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch","-f"]
EXPOSE 9200 9300
FROM edxops/precise-common:latest
WORKDIR /edx/app/edx_ansible
WORKDIR /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible/playbooks/edx-east
RUN sudo git checkout e0d/docker-latest
RUN sudo git reset --hard origin/e0d/docker-latest
RUN sudo git pull
RUN sudo ansible-playbook elasticsearch-docker.yml -c local
USER root
WORKDIR /etc/elasticsearch
CMD ["/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch","-f"]
EXPOSE 9200 9300
- hosts: all
become: True
- common
- docker
- oraclejdk
- elasticsearch
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