Commit eb7ae029 by Clinton Blackburn Committed by Clinton Blackburn

Updated IDA template with logout URL

parent 533400cc
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
{{ role_name|upper }}_VERSION: "master"
{{ role_name|upper }}_DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: "{{ role_name }}.settings.production"
{{ role_name|upper }}_URL_ROOT: 'http://{{ role_name }}:18{{ port_suffix }}'
{{ role_name|upper }}_LOGOUT_URL: '{{ '{{' }} {{ role_name|upper }}_URL_ROOT }}/logout/'
{{ role_name|upper }}_OAUTH_URL_ROOT: '{{ EDXAPP_LMS_ISSUER | default("") }}'
{{ role_name|upper }}_OIDC_LOGOUT_URL: '{{ EDXAPP_LMS_ROOT_URL | default("") }}/logout'
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