Commit e7e346a5 by Joe Blaylock

Configure rsyslog to catch logs from edx

* Touches directories and files into existence expected during setup for
  LMS and CMS
* Configures rsyslog to catch local0 and local1 from edx, and route into
  the appropriately named files in the appropriately named
* Permissions updates to ensure rsyslog can write everywhere it's
  supposed to
* Restarts rsyslog after reconfiguration is complete
parent 1f20196d
app_base_dir: /opt/wwc
log_base_dir: /mnt/logs
venv_dir: /opt/edx
# these pathes are relative to the playbook dir
......@@ -7,4 +8,4 @@ venv_dir: /opt/edx
secure_dir: 'secure_example'
# this indicates the path to site-specific (with precedence)
# things like nginx template files
local_dir: '../../ansible_local'
\ No newline at end of file
local_dir: '../../ansible_local'
......@@ -19,5 +19,12 @@
- include: ../../nginx/tasks/nginx_site.yml state=link site_name=cms-backend
- name: Create CMS log target directory
file: path={{log_base_dir}}/cms state=directory owner=syslog group=adm mode=2770
- cms
- cms-env
- logging
# Creates LMS upstart file
- include: ../../gunicorn/tasks/upstart.yml service_variant=cms
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ cms_env_config:
'KEY_FUNCTION': 'util.memcache.safe_key'
'LOCATION': [ "" ]
'LOG_DIR': '/mnt/logs/edx'
'LOG_DIR': '{{log_base_dir}}/edx'
'LOGGING_ENV': 'cms-dev'
- name: restart rsyslogd
service: name=rsyslog state=restarted
sudo: True
......@@ -16,38 +16,44 @@
- pre_install
- name: Install role-independent useful system packages
# do this before log dir setup; rsyslog package guarantees syslog user present
apt: pkg={{item}} install_recommends=yes state=present update_cache=yes
- ack-grep
- lynx-cur
- mosh
- rsyslog
- screen
- tree
- pre_install
- name: Create log directory
file: path=/mnt/logs state=directory mode=2770 group=adm owner=root
file: path=$log_base_dir state=directory mode=2770 group=adm owner=syslog
- pre_install
- name: Create aliases to the log directory
file: state=link src=/mnt/logs path=$app_base_dir/log
file: state=link src=$log_base_dir path=$app_base_dir/log
- pre_install
- name: Touch the edx log file into place
command: touch -a /mnt/logs/edx.log
- logging
- name: Touch edx log file into place
# This is done for the benefit of the rake commands, which expect it
command: touch -a {{log_base_dir}}/edx.log
- pre_install
- logging
- name: Set permissions on edx log file
file: path=/mnt/logs/edx.log owner=www-data group=adm mode=775
- pre_install
- name: Update apt cache
apt: update_cache=yes
# This is done for the benefit of the rake commands, which expect it
file: path={{log_base_dir}}/edx.log owner=syslog group=adm mode=770
- pre_install
- logging
- include: create_venv.yml
- name: Install role-independent useful system packages
apt: pkg={{item}} install_recommends=yes state=present
- ack-grep
- lynx-cur
- mosh
- most
- screen
- tree
- pre_install
- include: rsyslog.yml
- name: Install rsyslog configuration for edX
template: dest=/etc/rsyslog.d/99-edx src=edx_rsyslog.j2 owner=root group=root mode=644
notify: restart rsyslogd
- logging
# custom edx syslog configuration
# Put in place and templatized by ansible 
# Cliffs notes version: ansible uses local0 and local1, so they have to be
# plumbed through appropriately.
# Change some global configuration
# don't escape newlines
$EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off
$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0
$RepeatedMsgReduction off
$MaxMessageSize 32768
# Override default auth config so we can ignore local0 and local1 also
auth,authpriv.* /var/log/auth.log
*.*;auth,authpriv.none,local0.none,local1.none -/var/log/syslog
# According to the docs for rsyslog, "syslogtag" is the "TAG" from
# the message which in the case of tracking logs is interpreted to
# be everything before the first whitespace character.
# This is why we include "syslogtag."
# Maybe one day this will be answered:
# -
$template tracking,"%syslogtag%%msg%\n"
# looks for [service_name=<name>] in the beginning of the log message,
# if it exists the log will go into {{log_base_dir}}/<name>/edx.log, otherwise
# it will go into {{log_base_dir}}/edx.log
$template DynaFile,"{{log_base_dir}}/%syslogtag:R,ERE,1,BLANK:\[service_variant=([a-zA-Z_-]*)\].*--end%/edx.log"
local0.* -?DynaFile
local1.* {{log_base_dir}}/tracking.log;tracking
......@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
- lms
- lms-env
- name: Create lms log target directory
file: path={{log_base_dir}}/lms state=directory owner=syslog group=adm mode=2770
- lms
- lms-env
- logging
# Install ssh keys for ubuntu account to be able to check out from mitx
# Temprory behavior, not needed after June 1. Perhaps still useful as a recipe.
# {{ secure_dir }} is relative to the top-level playbooks dir so there is some
......@@ -29,3 +29,8 @@
service: name=nginx state=started
- nginx
- name: Create nginx log file location (just in case)
file: path={{log_base_dir}}/nginx state=directory owner=syslog group=adm mode=2770
- nginx
- logging
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