Commit e58afcab by jarv

Merge pull request #26 from edx/feature/jrbl/apt_pip_installs

Install debian and python dependencies for LMS/CMS
parents 91357764 7965168b
app_base_dir: /opt/wwc
venv_dir: /opt/edx
#where are the secure files on the deploying machine?
secure_file_dir: ../../edx-secret/ansible/vars/
# create the 'edx' virtual environment in /opt so that roles can populate it
- name: easy_install pip
easy_install: name=pip
sudo: True
- venv_base
- name: pip install virtualenv
pip: name=virtualenv state=latest
sudo: True
- venv_base
- name: pip install virtualenvwrapper
pip: name=virtualenvwrapper state=latest
sudo: True
- venv_base
- name: create edx virtualenv directory
file: path=$venv_dir owner=ubuntu group=edx mode=2775 state=directory
sudo: True
- venv_base
- name: create the edx virtualenv directory initial contents
command: /usr/local/bin/virtualenv $venv_dir creates=$venv_dir/bin/activate
- venv_base
- include: create_users.yml
- name: Create application root
sudo: True
file: path=$app_base_dir state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Create log directory
sudo: True
- name: Create log directory
file: path=/mnt/logs state=directory
- name: Update apt cache
sudo: True
- name: Update apt cache
apt: update_cache=yes
sudo: True
- include: create_venv.yml
- name: Install role-independent useful system packages
apt: pkg={{item}} install_recommends=yes state=present
- mosh
- tmux
sudo: True
# requires:
# - group_vars/all
# - common/tasks/main.yml
# - nginx/tasks/main.yml
- name: create lms application config
template: src=env.json.j2 dest=$app_base_dir/lms.env.json
sudo: True
- lms
- name: create lms auth file
template: src=auth.json.j2 dest=$app_base_dir/lms.auth.json
sudo: True
- lms
- include: ../../nginx/tasks/nginx_site.yml state=link site_name=lms
- include: ../../nginx/tasks/nginx_site.yml state=link site_name=lms-backend
......@@ -17,18 +22,90 @@
# Temprory behavior, not needed after June 1. Perhaps still useful as a recipe.
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (private)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_private dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=600
- lms
- cms
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (public)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_public dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/ force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=644
- lms
- cms
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (host github known)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_known_hosts dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/known_hosts force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=600
- lms
- cms
# Check out mitx repo to $app_base_dir
- name: set permissions on $app_base_dir sgid for edx
file: path=$app_base_dir owner=root group=edx mode=2775 state=directory
file: path=$app_base_dir owner=ubuntu group=edx mode=2775 state=directory
sudo: True
- lms
- cms
- name: install git and its recommends
apt: pkg=git state=installed install_recommends=yes
apt: pkg=git state=present install_recommends=yes
sudo: True
- lms
- cms
- name: git checkout mitx repo into $app_base_dir
git: dest=$app_base_dir/mitx
git: dest={{app_base_dir}}/mitx repo={{lms_source_repo}}
- lms
- cms
## Install the debian package requirements system-wide
- name: store remote apt_repos list for ansible use
command: cat {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/apt-repos.txt
register: apt_repos_list
- lms
- cms
- name: add apt_repos to the remote hosts
apt_repository: repo="$item"
with_items: "{{apt_repos_list.stdout.split()}}"
register: apt_repos_list_repo_adds
sudo: True
- lms
- cms
- name: update apt cache (if necessary)
apt: update_cache=yes
sudo: True
only_if: "{{apt_repos_list_repo_adds.changed}}"
- lms
- cms
- name: store remote apt_packages list for ansible use
command: cat {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/apt-packages.txt
register: apt_packages_list
- lms
- cms
- name: install a bunch of system packages on which LMS and CMS rely
apt: pkg={{item}} state=present
with_items: lms_debian_pkgs
sudo: True
- lms
- cms
# Install the python requirements into $venv_dir
- name : install python pre-requirements
pip: requirements="{{app_base_dir}}/mitx/pre-requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
# Install the python modules into $venv_dir
- name : install python pre-requirements
#pip: requirements="{{app_base_dir}}/mitx/requirements.txt" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}"
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the mitx repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{app_base_dir}}/mitx && {{venv_dir}}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{app_base_dir}}/mitx/requirements.txt
- lms
- cms
......@@ -43,3 +43,83 @@ env_config:
'stage-num': 'MITx', 'stage-sjsu': 'MITx'}
- apparmor-utils
- aspell
- build-essential
- curl
- dvipng
- fabric
- facter
- g++
- gcc
- gfortran
- ghostscript
- git
- github-cli
- graphviz
- graphviz-dev
- gunicorn
- inoticoming
- ipython
- libcrypt-ssleay-perl
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libdigest-sha-perl
- libfreetype6-dev
- libgeos-dev
- libgraphviz-dev
- libjpeg8-dev
- liblapack-dev
- liblwp-protocol-https-perl
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libnet-amazon-ec2-perl
- libpng12-dev
- libreadline-dev
- libreadline6-dev
- libssl-dev
- libswitch-perl
- libwww-perl
- libxml++2.6-dev
- libxml2-dev
- libxml2-utils
- libxslt1-dev
- maven2
- mongodb
- mongodb-clients
- mysql-client
- nodejs
- ntp
- openjdk-7-jdk
- openjdk-7-jre
- pep8
- perl
- pkg-config
- postfix
- puppet
- puppet-common
- puppet-lint
- puppetmaster
- puppetmaster-common
- pylint
- python-boto
- python-coverage-test-runner
- python-django-nose
- python-jenkins
- python-nose
- python-nosexcover
- python-numpy
- python-pip
- python-scipy
- rake
- reprepro
- rsyslog
- rubygems
- sqlite3
- super
- vagrant
- vim-puppet
- yui-compressor
- zip
- zlib1g-dev
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
notify: restart nginx
- nginx
- lms
- name: Creating nginx config link {{ site_name }}
sudo: True
......@@ -13,3 +14,4 @@
notify: restart nginx
- nginx
- lms
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