Commit e38e8747 by arbabnazar

OPS-1278 Create role to install MySQL locally that is not experimental

parent 7f4a8db8
--- ---
mysql_debian_pkgs: mysql_debian_pkgs:
- software-properties-common - mysql-server
- python-mysqldb - python-mysqldb
- "mysql-server=5.6.*"
--- ---
- name: Add MySQL experimental apt key - name: Add MySQL community apt key
apt_key: apt_key:
id: 4F4EA0AAE5267A6C id: 8C718D3B5072E1F5
keyserver: "{{ COMMON_EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER }}" keyserver: "{{ COMMON_EDX_PPA_KEY_SERVER }}"
state: present state: present
- name: Install apt repository - name: Install MySQL community apt repositories
apt_repository: apt_repository:
repo: 'deb precise main' repo: "{{ item }}"
update_cache: yes update_cache: yes
- "deb precise mysql-5.6"
- "deb-src precise mysql-5.6"
- name: install mysql 56 and dependencies - name: Install mysql-5.6 and dependencies
apt: apt:
name: "{{ item }}" name: "{{ item }}"
install_recommends: yes install_recommends: yes
force: yes update_cache: yes
state: present state: present
with_items: mysql_debian_pkgs with_items: mysql_debian_pkgs
- name: start mysql - name: Start mysql
service: service:
name: mysql name: mysql
state: started state: started
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