Commit dac2aaae by Will Daly

Updated install Python packages script to handle aborted jobs

parent 2907202c
......@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ set -e
# the packages. If the virtualenv does not yet
# exist, it will be created.
# If the virtualenv already exists, it will not
# be modified.
# If the virtualenv has already been created
# and the packages installed, then the script
# will skip installation.
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ fi
if [ -e $VENV/bin/activate ]; then
if [ -e $VENV/install_finished ]; then
echo "$VENV already exists; skipping installation..."
......@@ -52,4 +53,10 @@ else
for egg_file in $EGG_DIR/*.egg; do
easy_install $egg_file || true
# Create indicator that we finished successfully.
# If we were interrupted (maybe the job was aborted),
# then this file won't be created, so the next
# job will retry the intallation (instead of skipping it).
touch $VENV/install_finished
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