Commit d87cfe25 by e0d

Merge pull request #1692 from edx/e0d/mysql56

Upgrades mysql to 5.6
parents 8f897c94 98abd8d0
# Note that mysql 5.6 is installed from a non standard PPA in tasks/main.yml
# It is not listed here because of non-standard steps required to install
# mysql 5.6 on 12.04
- python-mysqldb
- mysql-server-5.5
- postfix
- libjpeg-dev
......@@ -10,6 +10,36 @@
# Install PPA for installing MySQL 5.6 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS
- name: install ppa key
url='{{ COMMON_UBUNTU_APT_KEYSERVER }}0x14AA40EC0831756756D7F66C4F4EA0AAE5267A6C'
- name: install apt repository
repo='deb precise main'
update_cache=yes validate_certs=no
- name: look for mysql 5.5
shell: dpkg -L mysql-server-5.5
ignore_errors: true
register: mysql_55_installed
- include: remove_mysql_55.yml
when: mysql_55_installed.rc != 1
- name: install mysql 56 and dependencies
apt: pkg={{ item }} install_recommends=yes force=yes state=present
- software-properties-common
- mysql-server
- name: start mysql
service: name=mysql state=started
- name: install packages needed for single server
apt: pkg={{','.join(edxlocal_debian_pkgs)}} install_recommends=yes state=present
# Tasks for fully removing mysql 5.5 from environments
# conditionally included when 5.5 is installed on the
# target system
- name: stop mysql
service: name=mysql state=stopped
- name: remove prior version of mysql
apt: pkg='{{ item }}' state='absent' purge='yes'
- mysql-server-5.5
- mysql-server
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