Commit d7b5b81c by Feanil Patel

Add support to load xml to disk.

parent 33d89863
......@@ -219,6 +219,33 @@
- "restart edxapp"
- "restart edxapp_workers"
# Need to do this because s3 module fails when trying
# to checksum a multipart s3 object. And overwrite is
# not effective
- name: remove existing coursedata file
file: path="/var/tmp/xml_coursedata.tar.gz" state=absent
# Install the xml courses from an s3 bucket
- name: download xml coursedata from s3
s3: >
bucket="{{ EDXAPP_XML_S3_BUCKET }}"
object="{{ EDXAPP_XML_S3_KEY }}"
when: EDXAPP_XML_S3_BUCKET is defined and EDXAPP_XML_S3_BUCKET != "" and EDXAPP_XML_S3_KEY is defined and EDXAPP_XML_S3_KEY != ""
register: download_xml_s3
# Install the xml courses from a url.
- name: download xml coursedata
get_url: url="{{ EDXAPP_XML_URL }}" dest="/var/tmp/xml_coursedata.tar.gz"
when: EDXAPP_XML_URL is defined and EDXAPP_XML_URL != ""
register: download_xml_url
- name: unzip the data to the data dir
shell: >
tar xvzf /var/tmp/xml_coursedata.tar.gz
chdir="{{ edxapp_course_data_dir }}"
when: download_xml_s3.changed or download_xml_url.changed
# If using CAS and you have a function for mapping attributes, install
# the module here. The next few tasks set up the python code sandbox
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