Commit d110fde8 by Edward Zarecor

remove manual install, install multiple agents

parent 263273e3
mms_agent_version: ""
mms_agent_url: "{{ mms_agent_version }}_amd64.deb"
base_url: ""
pkg_arch: "amd64"
pkg_format: "deb"
- agent: mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent
version: ""
- agent: mongodb-mms-backup-agent
version: ""
......@@ -9,25 +9,21 @@
- fail: MMSAPIKEY is required
when: MMSAPIKEY is not defined
# this cruft can be removed in ansible 1.6, which can have apt install local deb files
- name: install required packages
apt: name={{ item }} state=present
- gdebi
- name: download mongo mms agent
get_url: >
url="{{ mms_agent_url }}"
dest="/tmp/mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent-{{ mms_agent_version }}.deb"
url="{{ base_url }}/{{ item.agent }}_{{ item.version }}_{{ pkg_arch }}.{{ pkg_format }}"
dest="/tmp/{{ item.agent }}-{{ item.version }}.{{ pkg_format }}"
register: download_mms_deb
- name: install mongo mms agent
shell: "gdebi -nq /tmp/mongodb-mms-monitoring-agent-{{ mms_agent_version }}.deb"
apt: >
deb="/tmp/{{ item.agent }}-{{ item.version }}.deb"
when: download_mms_deb.changed
notify: restart mms
- name: add key to monitoring-agent.config
lineinfile: >
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