Commit d0e0aa3f by nadeemshahzad


parent a883da10
- name: Backup splunk configurations
hosts: all
splunk_config_dir: "/opt/splunk/etc"
splunk_config_archive: "{{ date }}.tar.gz"
splunk_s3_backup_tempdir: "/var/tmp"
splunk_s3_bucket: "{{ SPLUNK_S3_BACKUPS_BUCKET }}"
date: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y-%m-%d') }}"
- name: archive splunk configuration dir
command: >
tar -cpzf "{{ splunk_s3_backup_tempdir }}/{{ splunk_config_archive }}" {{ splunk_config_dir }}
- name: copy tarball to s3 bucket
command: >
aws s3 cp "{{ splunk_s3_backup_tempdir }}/{{ splunk_config_archive }}" s3://{{ splunk_s3_bucket }}
- name: cleanup backup file
path: "{{ splunk_s3_backup_tempdir }}/{{ splunk_config_archive }}"
state: absent
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